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    Wednesday, November 6, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Content Creator Profile with CHARM3R!

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Content Creator Profile with CHARM3R!

    Weekly Content Creator Profile with CHARM3R!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:13 AM PST

    Today we have /u/Charm3r, another YouTuber whom I've followed for a long time. I appreciate his dry wit and sarcasm, and his willingness to be self-deprecating, which is what makes his Deck Testing series so great. Sometimes decks and deck pilots lose, and that's okay. You can find him at all the things:

    ►Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/charm3r

    ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/thatCHARM3R

    ►Discord: https://discord.gg/charm3r

    ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatcharm3r/

    ►Website: http://www.charm3r.com

    ►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CHARM3R

    -Where are you from?

    I'm from the United States. Specifically, I'm in the mitten.

    -What games do you generally play?

    It's probably easier to just list the games I don't play. I don't play dating simulators or "life" simulators. I don't need to fail at those things twice, ya know? Pretty much everything else is fair game. I love story driven games, RPGs, strategy games, MOBAs, team shooters, battle royales, puzzle games... the works.

    -What other card games do you play besides TESL?

    Currently? I played a lot of Legends of Runeterra during the preview patch, and I'm playing a lot of Mythgard. I'm also part of a closed group testing Causa and giving feedback. The number of card games that I have played is kind of insane though.

    -What is your favorite card in TESL?

    This might shock some folks, but it's Falling Wizard.

    -What is your favorite deck/playstyle in TESL?

    My favorite deck to play right now is Unrelenting Siege Monk. My favorite style of play, however, is definitely mid. I think that mid decks in Legends have the most satisfying decision trees, and they can be the hardest to pilot. Aggressive decks are most often going to be proactive, and control decks reactive. Mid decks have to assess whether they are the "beatdown" more often. They have to figure out when to trade and when to race. The moments where they "pivot" are crucial. I am fully aware that some of my statements are reductive and that there are scenarios that exist where control decks are proactive, etc, but I'm speaking about the general experience. Mid decks are often like a jack of all trades, and navigating them has always been the most rewarding style of play for me.

    -What inspires you to stream?

    I used to work for a non-profit in education, and for awhile I was teaching college courses as an adjunct at night. I like to teach, and I love talking about games. It just kind of felt like a natural fit.

    -What is your preferred content platform? When do you normally stream or how often do you normally upload?

    My preferred platform is Twitch, because I get the instant gratification of answering questions directly. It reminds me of that period in the classroom when you've finished your lecture and students are working on projects, and they can freely ask contextual questions. I like that. That being said, I tend to do more content for TESL on YouTube as of late. Things kind of ebb and flow with my mood.

    As for my schedule, I try to make sure that I have at least one YouTube video up a day. It's usually more, since I cover more than one game. But I also say "I try" because sometimes I miss uploads due to soul crippling depression. As for my Twitch streams, I try to stream at around 10:30 eastern on most nights. I take Sundays off, and I usually miss a day or two for family functions. It turns out having kids means you don't get as much time to yourself. I also will miss a stream if I'm casting an event or tournament, so the best way to stay up to date is to check my Twitter.

    -What content do you normally talk about?

    In the past, I tried to focus on competitive content for Legends because that's what I enjoyed the most. But the competitive side of Legends, sadly, just doesn't have enough steam to focus solely on that alone. So for the last year or so I've gotten into the habit of doing what I call "Deck Testing" videos. It's basically me taking an idea or a theme, and playing two games win or lose. I think showing losses is just as important of a learning tool, and my ego can handle sharing them.

    -Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

    Did you know that the compound bow was invented more than twenty years after the first nuclear bomb? Sometimes life is wild.

    submitted by /u/Stalinski13
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    Double Up for the Twin Gauntlet: November 8-11

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:03 AM PST

    TESL-Deck-Code-Bot v0.1

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:08 AM PST

    u/fenrock369 has kindly written a web service that parses deck codes and provide an image (or text) with details/stats about the deck.

    Here's a link to his post where he released it into the community: https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollslegends/comments/dqyt8z/so_i_made_a_deck_code_info_and_image_web_service

    I've created a new bot that scans post/comments for deck codes and replies with a link to the deck code image using the service mentioned above.

    You don't have to do anything to invoke the bot other that to post a deck code. I might change this behaviour to scan for [[deck code]] depending on feedback.

    This bot is currently separate from the TESL Card bot, but once it's stable I'll look into combining it into a single bot.

    FYI: When I enable the bot (very soon after posting this) it'll post quite a few comments in the posts it finds with deck codes and might hit a rate limiter, so please be patient whilst it catches up!

    Also, it'd say the bot is in beta and it pretty basic at present. I'm looking to improve the format of the reply it posts as well as verifying that the deck code is valid.

    Comments/ questions/ improvements/ critique graciously accepted.



    submitted by /u/NotGooseFromTopGun
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    Streamer Furo retires from TESL, "in recent weeks I have less and less fun with the game and the direction it is heading for a long time now."

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:09 AM PST

    Question for Aggro players

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:33 AM PST

    How do you even win games? All I run into is guard, guard, guard, removal, removal, drain, drain, drain... Doesn't matter if I have the ring or a perfect curve from the start everything gets removed or stalled to death.

    submitted by /u/plyzd
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    How we break the game we like

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:53 AM PST

    Today it became me more and more apparent how we as a community which I hope is the case like this game make it die. I know that what I'm about to say will probably not be visible very long (read get a lot of downvotes) but that is directly one of the problems this community has at this point. I hope at least some of you will read this and hopefully we can have a healthy discussion in how to improve this game from a community perspective.

    First of all I feel that when people post things in this community to share their thoughts with everyone else and they do it without being aggressive they shouldn't really be downvoted. This will make this community harsh if you stand out from popular opinions and make this just a forum for crying out your problems to likeminded. Cause I've to say after today I don't really want to read this reddit anymore let alone write something down. Although the responses most of the time are nice and make a discussion going in a positive way, you also get downvoted to infinity for standing out of the popular opinion.

    Second if something is not going the way it should in the game people create not 1 not 2 but plenty of posts about it. This way it makes this reddit community look negatively about the game to the outside world and potentially new players. This because in all these negative posts it's hard to find the positive ones that are actually very informative and interesting. And it's not so that people make these complaints posts 1 a day no it's sometimes one every 20 minutes. If you have a same complaint do it in a response on an already existing post. This way people will also read it but there won't be a flood on posts about the same problem.

    Well I hope you've read this post and I hope we can go on and have this game be a game we love and want to play for years and years in the future.

    submitted by /u/oromis7000
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    Surprise Lethal!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:53 AM PST

    Invade demands a total rework - Petition thread

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 12:05 AM PST

    Invade demands a total rework - Petition thread

    It is nothing more then a summary of posts that've been created before, I am not going to add something to what has been said numerous times already. This post exists to accumulate people's voices against Invade mechanics in its current form, so please, don't hesitate to add even a brief comment here. We need to show that the vast majority here is NOT happy with what's happening with TESL meta now and persuade development team to take some real measures.

    /u/SparkyDeckard /u/CVH


    submitted by /u/mjorr_qarsafi
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    How to tell a strategy being good vs. I got lucky?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:28 AM PST

    I'm an avid deck builder in TESL. Having not played any other CCG before, I have a question for experienced deck builders of this sub.

    Here's the background. I made an off meta deck that I'm quite proud of. Put a lot of thoughts into card choices and synergies. It brought me close to 80% ladder win rate in over 30 games. And I consistently pulled off synergies that I had in mind while building the deck.

    All is well until I introduced the deck to three of my friends, who all have reached top 10 before and are very good players. And they all had bad results with it implying the deck is weak. I won't get into details since I'm looking for general advice.

    Yeah.. maybe the deck wasn't as good as I thought.. but really I don't know. How do you even tell? You had a good streak with a new deck and all of the sudden it stopped working for you or someone else. How should you deal with situations like this? I'm really curious how experience deck builders approach this as to not miss out on a potentially good strategy.

    submitted by /u/ProvidenceXz
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    Simple invade solution

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:04 AM PST

    Allow for only one gate to be active. If you play a second gate it just levels up the first gate. With this small change invade is not an issue, it could even receive a small buff and go back to being 0 cost.

    submitted by /u/Kroghammer
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    Invade definitely broken, but I have enjoyed defeating invade decks in ranked matches. Anyone else sporting ‘Hero of Kvatch’?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 11:31 AM PST

    I often use a rally/item/removals redoran deck with a couple drain creatures to give me hope/ a little insurance when going face (probably a bad counter but i love the redoran attributes and i'm most familiar with the creatures/dynamics). Since the update I have vowed not to use any of the invade cards I have received from ranked play(kind of channeling my frustration with the new mechanic into defying players that are taking advantage of it). I'm pretty casual this season, just progressed to rank 7 or 8. Any recommendations on countering invade? I'm sure I'm doing it wrong but I love red purple yellow creatures and have gotten some satisfaction from my personal mission to defeating invade-spamming players. Let me know what decks/attribute combos you have put together to slap the smirks off those daedra scum!!

    submitted by /u/bscrub
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    Turn 5 invade combo is alive and well

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:18 PM PST

    Invade is sucking the fun out of this game

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:39 PM PST

    Ive played this game since beta (though id take breaks when broken mechanics were being abused... looking at you nix-ox, preatorian commander + echo of akatosh, etc.)... but this is some next level horse-shit...

    I don't feel the need to do anything but turn on the app once a day and collect my reward. This mechanic has me wanting to take a break from esl again, or even abandon it entirely... i just don't see how this crap can exist in the game in any form and not foster a frustrating and unfun meta.

    What do other longterm players think about invade in comparison to the broken cards/decks/mechanics from the past?

    submitted by /u/Luke_KB
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    We need more DRAGONS!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:15 PM PST

    I love dragon decks and i am a little bit sad knowing the next expansion is probably still oblivion, which means no dragons. :( Please sparky, give us more dragons!

    submitted by /u/rtrffd
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    Oblivion Gate

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:02 AM PST

    This card has now become stock/standard deck that I come up against, 5k game hours behind me and have never seen a seismic shift on this scale with a new set of cards in a C.C.G,..is the card OP?,.. more like on steroids. Not to be defeated I have tried various decks against it,..has anyone succeeded in consistently beating this deck with a non Gate/Daedra card present?

    submitted by /u/MrCarelesssofuckoff
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    Still think Invade was nerfed enough?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:09 PM PST

    Invade Daily Quest for card back

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:45 AM PST

    Why won't it let met cancel this quest. I don't like playing invade let alone 50 times. This is BS to force us to play to clear a spot in the quest queue. Id there a backdoor way to get rid of it?

    submitted by /u/zormindin
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    Why play dual color when tri color decks are better?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:43 AM PST

    basically title. i dont see why ANYONE should play dual color decks instead of tri color, youre just making it harder for yourself

    submitted by /u/Idkwhattotypehere2
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    ESLT14 Finals: RockStarCowboy vs Hawksfire (Thanks all who joined! ESLT14 will be held on FB next month)

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:42 PM PST

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