• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 8, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends After all this time, we finally get the card to break Rimmen Purveyor.

    Elder Scrolls: Legends After all this time, we finally get the card to break Rimmen Purveyor.

    After all this time, we finally get the card to break Rimmen Purveyor.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:01 AM PST

    Super frustrating. TESL is getting more media attention now that it has been cancelled then in the last 2 years

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:25 AM PST

    I'm seeing a number of articles and youtubers covering tha game getting cancelled and it's literally the first time I have seen anyone even mention the game in the media since Morrowind expansion. And the killer thing is...reading all the comments nearly everyone talks about..."what?" "This was a game?" "Bummer...it looks kinda cool..." "why did this get cancelled and not fallout 76".

    To this day I feel like the game was amazing and deserved better. Just the lack of exposure/appeal to the core Elder Scrolls audience killed it. I'll keep playing until the servers are taken offline but jeez it's frustrating seeing media attention AFTER the game is basically nixed.

    submitted by /u/swimdewed500
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    The worst thing about TESL ending is...

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:41 AM PST

    that only a tiny fraction of the playerbase visits this subreddit. Many people are still playing and spending money on a dying game.

    submitted by /u/NerfMantikoraPls
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    for all you mono red aggro players:

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:49 AM PST

    Auto completed a deck and got this alt art that i dont have in my collection.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:51 PM PST

    5,500+ players in the Hexagauntlet. How can Legends get cancelled?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:00 PM PST

    I noticed after my first game that I was ranked around 5300 or so and I started with a win, so perhaps there's way more... Artifact , a valve title, ended up dead on arrival and has like 100 daily players DESPITE a 'long haul' commitment from the developers and they haven't so much as hinted at a plug-pull.

    ESL might have 10k in this event alone so it's bizarre to me that the game is being exposed like a deformed Spartan child rather than nurtured to it's full potential.

    Post Malone, Elon Musk, anyone... Help!

    Don't let my $50 cardbacks fade into the digital aether!

    submitted by /u/Ritter-
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    This game could have been saved, but you didn't want to listen to your community, Bethesda and Sparky.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:17 AM PST

    Tldr at the bottom.

    First of all, sorry for my bad english level, but I have to post this because I have been an active Legends player since beta, until MoE.

    In the last year, you have made a lot of mistakes in the game and you have waited 1 month or more to solve them (or you have never solve them). Mistakes that the community has highlited you but you have never heard. You didn't solve this mistakes because you wanted to believe that there was no problem, but yes, there was. You can downvote me, but you know I'm right.

    1: The first one is obvius. Marketing. This game has never had a good marketing campaign. Only 2 trailer in 2 different E3, nothing more. Do you expect a solid playerbase without advertise the game properly?

    2: Tricolor decks. Tricolor decks have been a problem since Morrowind, breaking all classes identity and creating "X class deck, but better" classes. Tribunal was a better Mage and Spellsword control class, Hlaalu was a better Archer, Monk and Crusader aggro class... and so on. We told you to nerf tricolor decks, adding more tricolor cards with their own identity and removing the possibility to add bicolor cards to the tricolor decks. Well, you didn't change them and the meta since Alliance war was compossed by 8 tricolor decks and 2 aggro bicolor decks.

    3: Nerfs. We told you to nerf Invade, a toxic and poorly balanced rng mechanic. You have taken 1 month to nerf it twice and the mechanic is still toxic and with a highrolly rng. Slay Warrior/Ebonheart, Burn assassin and Conscription Telvanni are other few examples of toxic and unbalanced decks that last for too long in the game.

    4: "Deals". We told you that those Madness deals were cancerous as fuck, giving exclusive content and exclusive cards behind a big paywall for those who pay 20€-50€. And what have you done in the last year? More cancerous "deals" with big paywalls. That makes lot of people that don't want to pay insane amount of € for a cardback sad, and they usually prefer to left the game and find other games with a better economy system for f2players.

    5: Poor expansions. A pack expansion with 80-90 cards (25-30 of them being legendaries) with a 50€ preorder is terrible. And well, those 80-90 cards weren't good either. Those expansions were conposed by poorly balanced, rng and pack filler cards, with some new mechanic, but without enough good cards to make them, at least, playable. But thats the next point:

    5.5: 0 Free content at expansion launches. Come on Sparky/Bethesda, are you kidding me? 0 free packs and 0 free legendaries in Alliance war expansion, even Hearthstone gives more content for free nowadays. And what can you tell about the premade decks scum? "Alliance war won't have any premade decks", which can be translated to: "We will wait until you spend all your gold/soulgems/money and then we will add the 5 premade decks". Even Blizzard and Hearthstone are better in expansion launches.

    6: Dead mechanics. We all of us know that Legends has a lot of mechanics that could be playable, but you didn't help them with good cards to make them playable, some of them with only 1 good card needed. Factotums, Treasure hunt, Rally, Exalt, 5 power or more, Enpower, Veteran, Expertise, Mobilize, Wax-Wane... Some of them have received a new card with the last card pack, so... why haven't you created some of those cards in a 1500 gold/15€ card pack? I don't understand.

    7: Cards identity. With the new client (more info about this in the next point) lot of cards lost their identity. How? Giving them more than 1 summon voiceline. You could think that isn't a problem, but yes, it is. People usually want to assign a representative voiceline with their respective card and shout that voiceline whenever they want, but with this change, you couldn't know what to shout because each card has 2 or 3 voicelines. Imagine if Sylvanas in Hearthstone has more voicelines than "I have no time for games", this is the same example, a clear lose of identity. I have told you to revert this change in order to recover all cards identity, j well, its obvius that you didn't listen it and now we have legendary cards like Odahviing with 3 different voicelines, and that sucks. This game has a clear lack of identity.

    8: New client. We all know the problems that the new client brought, I don't need to list them. So, why did you publish the client in that state, when it was obvious that it was broken? Because the new client launch was the main reason for most people to left the game after seeing that it was unplayable.


    1: Poor marketing

    2: Tricolor are better versions of bicolor

    3: Unbalanced decks that take too long to get nerfed. Terrible nerfs for those decks too.

    4: Cancerous deals and excesively big paywalls for cosmetics.

    5: Poor expansions, not enough cards in each one and dead or broken new mechanics.

    5.5: 0 Free content and premade decks scum in Alliance war (first SparkyPants expansion)

    6: Too many dead mechanics that never received support

    7: Multiple voicelines destroys each card identity. This game has a clear lack of identity overral.

    8: New client launch was unplayable and that made lot of people quit the game.

    Your community is and always has been Reddit. Outside of reddit, the community has been pretty small. So... why haven't you listened your active community when they told you what are you doing wrong? Why haven't you solved a lot of mistakes that have lasted for more than 1 year?

    You could save this game, but you let it die.

    submitted by /u/Bozara25
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    Legends: An End of an Era (for those of us not in Asia) and Reading Between the Lines

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:25 PM PST

    Is transfering to GAEA-Asia Region possible ?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:32 AM PST

    Since the game is dead on EU/NA (with an active shop btw) and you released your intention to not release any more content for the future, and I believe the things will get worse as the time goes by, can we request to move our account to Asia region which will be updated by GAEA, if not why ?

    Your support page has not been working for the past 2 days, that is the reason I'm asking the question here

    submitted by /u/stingmoggie
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    This game has helped me more than you can know. Thank you everyone.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 05:58 PM PST

    This might be long and rambling so I apologize in advance. I've never spoke to anyone online about this.

    A bit of background. I've suffered since being a child with severe Generalised Anxiety Disorder (sometimes depression aswell but have medication that really helps with that side of things). To cope, I use music, play the guitar and videogames, amongst over things. One factor of games I have never really taken to is multiplayer games because for someone that spends their life actively trying all means possible to avoid strangers, the last thing they usually want to do is have them on the other end of a microphone.

    Anyway, cut to roughly 2 years ago. I had a health scare. I couldnt walk more than a few steps without losing balance and couldnt read text, daily migraines etc. I had to go for brain scans and tests etc. Long story short, it's not life threatening, (its called Vestibular Function Disorder) but it sucks so bad. It basically a vision and balance problem, a bit like vertigo.

    I realized after a few months that I could tolerate using a handheld game, just not a PC or console. I downloaded Legends and was hooked within a day. I loved the Elder Scrolls games and had loved MTG: Planeswalkers so it was a great match.

    I could manage a few games at a time before the dizziness got too bad and then would have to have a break. This gradually increased to 5-6 and on and on. By this time I was completely hooked and wanted to see which decks other players were using. I also started playing multiplayer which is a big change for a massive hermit.

    I found this subreddit and looked and some tips here and there and what I found was that a lot of players were suggesting to look on twitch.

    I started watching twitch streamers and youtubers and started full time Lurking. I cant emphasize enough how much you content creators helped my mental health and recovery in what was the scariest time of my life. I still have a long way to go but just knowing that I could log on and a watch people stream TESL makes dark days so much brighter. When I was having a really bad day I knew it would be ok because I can just distract myself with TESL. On nights where I would once have lied awake worrying I now doze off while watching Twitch.

    I wont name each player here because there are too many, but trust me, if you streamed or made youtube videos, I almost certainly watched you whilst curled up in a ball in bed.

    When I heard the news 2 days ago I was crushed. I kinda never thought this day would come. I haven't missed a single day in well over a year.

    Thank you Bethesda, Direwolf, Sparky and all you content creators and on anyone else involved in this beautiful endeavour. I owe you a debt I can never repay. I may have almost never spoke to you on stream, but I was there, lurking.

    I'm gonna continue to watch whatever games they decide to stream or post, and if mythgard or runeterra or gwent etc take off, I'll move over to which ever the majority choose. Maybe even Asia TESL.

    P.s: I really hoped to see Empire Oathman make the final and turn up at quakecon in a full suit of armour.

    submitted by /u/ViviREbirth
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    Final Thoughts & One Last Podcast Coming Soon

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:45 PM PST

    If the game is no longer being developed, there are some things that need to happen in the game:

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:58 PM PST

    • It should be made clear upon launching the game that the game is no longer being developed to help avoid unsuspecting people putting time and effort into a game that's basically a ghost ship.

    • Any in-game micro-transactions should be disabled, like, yesterday.

    I've only been playing for the last few months, and I've really fallen in love with the game — and I can't help but feeling like Bethesda has pulled yet another fast one here. It's not immediately clear upon launching the game that the game isn't being supported any longer; and I feel it's even more gross that there's nothing warning people of this in the micro-transaction store, which seems to be working just fine. This feels deceitful guys. Merry Christmas.

    submitted by /u/jessyblorp
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    Quality of Life Requests for Bethesda now that Development has Stopped

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:58 PM PST

    I returned to the game after a year and intend to keep playing. For players like myself, the following QoL improvements would be tremendously helpful:

    1. Allow players to choose which packs they get from Solo/Versus Arena and Gauntlets. Now that development has ceased, it makes no sense to lock players into predominantly JoO packs. After a year's hiatus, it's hard to collect cards from Alliance War and Moons.
    2. Make ALL pre-order titles, exclusive card backs, alt art available to players, whether through gold/cash transactions, gauntlets, etc. As a completionist, I think everything should be available to everyone, especially those who are sticking around. It's fair and it's good business.
    3. Release premium versions of Forgotten Hero, DB and RtCC. I'd pay for it.
    4. Add a simplified version of TESL to Elder Scrolls 6. It's free advertising and who knows, maybe it will revive the game someday.


    submitted by /u/NajaSeda
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    A Night to Remember: Favorite Moments from Legends

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:47 AM PST

    I realize a lot of people are still playing or slowly ramping down play, but before a lot of people leave the reddit, I thought it'd be cool to call make call out some top moments. Can be anything, your moment or a video.

    For me, when trying to get the Usurper title I tinkered every 9 cost other than Eurexia, including Laaneth 3 times, the battle dragon 3 times, and Sotha Sil 4 times, so finally beating whatever god of chance had decided to teach me a lesson in wasting my time on meaningless achievements, was downright blissful.

    On the other hand, the video where justin is trying to do the most absurd combo in near creatureless, near actionless singleton, and got it on his first try stands out as a beautiful act of defiance against the same god. The video features him drawing flesh sculpter and saying "this is one of the best cards in the deck." which made me lose it.

    Warrior's 7 did a series of streams where he went from 12 to legend on a totally new account in a couple weeks (i think, maybe it was less) which was fun and instructive and just impressive. Hard to beat his combo streams ending in the sax hype as well.

    Finally, the morrowind prestreams were so hype akd fun to watch. I remember flipping through streamers to see all the different memes and cool stuff, getting more and more excited to play it myself. Dust was playing this jenky Mushroom tower heavy deck and calling it Dust's bad trip. Ianbits was playing skeletons and whenever he played Skeleton Champion shouted "worse goblin activate!"

    I definitely have others, some of the meme videos, beating dark brotherhood on master with a really small collection, spoodertown, CVH's good vibe stream days...but i'l pass it off now. What are some y'alls stand out moments?

    submitted by /u/K-Beaux
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    How To Download the Asian Client From Outside of Asia (Video Tutorial)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:06 PM PST

    350 and counting...let’s try to hit 1000...haters just keep scrolling thx

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:44 AM PST

    The new card make for new ways to play the game. Also what new decks have you tried

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:32 PM PST

    The only thing I bought with actual money were the story chapters.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:22 AM PST

    Since everyone else is discussing where this game went wrong, I'd like to bring a different idea into the mix.

    I am a casual player. I don't look up the best deck comps online, I occasionally play ranked, get to mage, and sometimes mess around with the weekend events. But I'm here for something other than competitive play.

    The reason I'm a casual player is because I'm an Elder Scrolls fan. The Elder Scrolls are a series of RPG games, and thus I would rather spend my time questing in ESO or traditional ES games than competing for top rank in ESL.

    The story and lore from the other games in the franchise is what brought me into this game, and the stories were my favourite part of this game as well.

    For this game to succeed as an Elder Scrolls spin-off, I think they needed to prioritize, and even perhaps further monetize additional stories. I may be one of the few casual story players on this subreddit, but I definitely don't think I was one of the only players overall. My guild in ESO hopped on board briefly during the wolf mount cross-promotion, and commented that they'd play more if there were more stories.

    Stories are what drives the Elder Scrolls fanbase, and I can't help but feel they tried to appeal to the wrong demographic (the HS demographic), when they should've taken a different approach in creating additional stories to keep this game alive.

    submitted by /u/latorn
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    A more realistic way to save Legends

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:00 AM PST

    Hi friends I'm a long time lurker and a big fan of legends and elder scrolls and like a lot of us I don't want it to die.

    While I do want to believe that continuing playing legends will somehow convince Bethesda to give us new content

    it probably won't happen at least if you read their post it sounds like a breakup letter...it doesn't give us any hope.

    My guess is that Bethesda wanted to focus in the mobile market in the west on Blades...and Tesl in Asia and chinese market

    It seems too much of a coincidence that on 27 november tesl Asia was launched and that 9 days later they shut down developement here.

    Now I never got into legends because I wanted to become a great player or anything..I got into it because I like the elder scrols

    and it's a great stress reliever after work...but playing it with a dwindling number of players is going to be very hard on ranked you

    will matched with only the best...completing quests on casual will be even harder.

    Today I just installed the asian client and it's pretty good in fact it's a combination between sparky and direwolf version.

    I really think we should give TesL Asia a chance.

    Here are the benefits of it

    A new start...there are not a lot of cards (no triple color cards) so most of us will have to come up with new strategies plus

    you can get the complete colection very fast.

    No level cap so you can get unlimited rewards as you play

    You can play against an opponent and after the game you can see his deck see what strategies he used.

    You will play a game that you already know and love.


    You will lose all the cards you have acumulated until now.

    Not as flashy as the current client...but I like the art

    No triple color cards.

    Instalation on a pc is a bit harder because you will need an emulator(on a mobile it is just as easy as the current client)

    If you are thinking of installing on a pc DTBlayde has a great tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UigHsRbETPo

    If you play it on mobile like me all you need is to install tunnel bear app(you can uninstall it after you chose) set your vpn to hong kong and

    enter google play start download and then disconnect from vpn and continue with installation from there.

    Now with the hard part we will need to convince people like u/SilverfusePlays,u/CHARM3R,u/jele77,u/DTBlayde and of course

    u/justinlarson to help promote the new client...and to not leave the comunity(not saying they sould stick around full time but not leave forever)

    And the Insane part convince the community to not be so toxic and whine as much as everything with daily posts of I'm leaving forever, and stick

    with constructive criticism....And maybe take the time to give the game a good review on google play.

    Also asking u/SparkyDeckard and u/CVH to help players that payed good money on the game to dust off their collection and transfer their

    soulgems to new client.

    If we stick together and mabye bring a surge of new players to the new asia client and it has good reviews maybe we

    will make it become the game like fallout shelter...pofitable enough not to be discontinued.

    Sorry for the long post but these are my two cents.

    submitted by /u/Zestyclose_Artichoke
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    These new cards are great!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:43 PM PST

    The quality of the new cards they released make this all even more heartbreaking. So many of my decks will benefit from these cards, and not in a gamebreaking way. Obstinate Goat? YES PLEASE! Enchanted Ring? That's the card that daggerfall has been dying for!

    My God I hope you all stick around so we can keep playing. This game is so freaking good, I cannot believe Bethesda is doing this.

    submitted by /u/HansGruber37
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    Important PSA From Mecinar

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:19 PM PST

    Oh hey an elder scrolls card game, I can't wait for the next update so I can catch up with all the other pla- oh.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:15 PM PST

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