• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends I’m shocked

    Elder Scrolls: Legends I’m shocked

    I’m shocked

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:47 AM PST

    I have to say, it's really sad seeing this game come to an end, out of all the digital TCG's currently out, ESL had the most potential. I'm sorry but having played various TCG's, I started off enjoying Hearthstone but more and more it started breaking, devolving into a cash-grab and consistently changing the meta of the game to absurd levels. I can't get into Gwent, I've tried, I just can't get into it.

    Then we have MTG: Arena, which is an amazing game but isn't getting ported anywhere besides PC. I would prefer it on Mobile as I find TCG's way easier and more accessible to play on Mobile. Furthermore, Yu-Gi-Oh is Yu-Gi-Oh, controversial opinion, it hasn't been good for a long time. It was a classic in its prime but it really has slowly changed for the worse. And Pokemon TCG doesn't really have a nice digital counterpart that is visually interesting or as polished as MTG: Arena.

    On a digital level, ESL was amazing, it had the best visuals out of all the TCG's, with interesting play-fields, its lane system being a nice concept, the decks, the cards, hell even its single-player campaign, are exceptional. The expansions were interesting and honestly kept me engaged all the time, I know Oblivion was hated but you can't say it wasn't an interesting concept and came with my favourite playfield so far (save for Isles of Madness.) I even watched what little Esports it had and they were GOOD!!!

    Seriously that's what makes me even sadder, how it was thrown under the bus when it came to marketing, promotion and the Esports scene. This game could've easily been equal to Hearthstone's scene if given the chance and the marketing to promote this game. The matches are actually really fun to watch play out and seeing all the decks and strategies the best of the best used, it was just as good and exciting, I could only imagine what it would've become had they given it a chance.

    Bethesda from the get-go just threw this out there and didn't really commit to it or back it. It went through two studios, it just wasn't exactly being treated with confidence and had they done so (and also expanded upon it outside of basing their themes entirely on ESO's expansions and past games) they would've allowed it to thrive better than it has with a dedicated but niche audience.

    It's frustrating to see it unfold and come to this, this game deserves to be more and to evolve. It's an exceptional TCG and it does not deserve to be cast aside, it deserves so much better. It's by far one of the most polished TCG's out there

    submitted by /u/_ZERO-ErRoR_ZROE
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    I only have one thing to say to TESL

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:27 AM PST

    Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:58 AM PST

    Well I saw the news yesterday and processed it most of the evening.

    First and foremost be nice to /u/CVH He's nothing but class and IS Legends in my opinion. I text him immediately after seeing the news as I knew he'd be 10x as bummed as any of you guys.

    Second, this community is very very awesome. I loved every second of interacting with you guys when I was Brand Manager and acting CM. It was the small things I remember the most fondly such as answering questions when I popped into streams, giving away card packs at events etc. Even when I left Legends and Bethesda I still kept up with the community because of the cast of characters and the family like atmosphere.

    You guys made this game what it is! Always remember that. Bethesda rebooted the game because of YOU and your passion. I hope you guys celebrate the good times with Legends vs looking back in anger.

    And never forget. Random is random™


    submitted by /u/SOLIDAge
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    I'm joining in on the fun!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:47 AM PST

    the person behind Empire Oathman AMA

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:31 AM PST


    so most of you figured out already who i was, but for these who didn't - that was me. I had... a different plan to eventually reveal myself, but none of these came to fruition in the end



    submitted by /u/Brassrain
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    Not Saying Goodbye Yet

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:03 PM PST

    If you follow any of the Legends Content Creators you have probably seen us all in a bit of a identity crisis and some leaving within the next month. The news of no new content means that interest in the game will dwindle and there isn't really a future for content creators here.

    Let's be clear, I don't plan on just dropping the game. I love Legends and although future opportunities and content for the game have come to an end, my love for the game hasn't.

    I have 4 videos that I recorded on Thursday about deckbuilding and playing said decks. I still plan to edit and publish those. I also plan on playing and showcasing my favorite decks in the game in future videos as well as trying the new cards. I might even try the Asian Client in the future. I'm not sure how frequently these videos will come out at the time, but I do plan to make some TESL content if you are seeking it. I will also be exploring other games if you want to come for that journey as well. Expect some diversity from me on YouTube and Twitch, but still some Legends content.

    While we are here, thank you everyone in this community for being here and any support you've given me. I've loved interacting with this amazing community. I checked my steam profile yesterday and I'm nearing 2400 hours on this game and most of the time I was streaming, recording, or casting to share the game with others.

    Legends has been such a big part of my life. My friends are here. The hardest part of the news was knowing the community would be driven in separate directions in the near future. My closest friends are Legends players and content creators. Meeting everyone at Quakecon and casting it was the highlight of my year.

    I've been heartbroken, and I know a lot of people feel the same way as I do. Legends really is my home away from home. I'll be here for a bit. I can't really say what the future holds for me, but I hope to see you around wherever that future is.

    submitted by /u/SilverfusePlays
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    We are Legends.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:52 AM PST


    I've played this game exclusively for years. It hurts bad that this game ain't gonna grow any further. I remember all the classes in college I sneakily played TESL in, all the friends I introduced to the game, all the tournaments I won and the incredible people I played against. I fondly remember the times I missed lethal and raged like a bull for hours, opening my first god pack, the hundreds of arena runs, the thousands of misplays, the millions of memories. And mostly, the scores of incredible friends I made who had a significant effect on my life in several key moments where TESL and Twitch were all I had. I'll never forget any of you.

    But fuck it. I ain't leaving. And if you aren't either, then send me a friend request, and we'll have a grand ol' time duking it out match after match. And know there's at least one numbnut who'll keep grinding it out on the ladder till they can't pay for the servers no more.

    And if you are leaving, then I wish you nothing but the same relaxing warmth, happiness and satisfaction you felt everytime you booted this game up and heard the music play.

    Du-du-dum, tuh-da-dum, tuh-da tum dum-dum-dum

    I love you all.

    Best of luck, and godspeed.


    submitted by /u/EthereallyWondering
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    Despite yesterday's tragic news, remember:

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:27 AM PST

    If you are looking for another card game after these sad news, check out Gwent

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:42 AM PST

    I played ESL for a long time than I quit after change of the developer. I started playing Gwent like a half year after and it is amazing unique card game with great community.

    We have experience with welcoming Heartstone refugees so I said why not invite you too when your game got put on hold (basically finished feelsbadman).

    submitted by /u/Maerlyn0
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    Despite yesterday's news, I intended to stay as long as possible...

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:21 AM PST

    Started in Open Beta and quickly fell in love with this game. Despite yesterday's news, I intended to stay as long as possible...

    Yet as I sit here today, I cannot even bring myself to want to play my favorite card game.

    To those staying, enjoy the time you have left. To those moving on to new games, good luck!

    I honestly believe I'm done with card games after all this.

    submitted by /u/RedditViewer1985
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    What would prevent ZeniMax Online from including TESL into ESO?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:51 AM PST

    This would be perfect. The universe is the same, the lore is already there (of course, they'd have to remove/edit all the anachronisms like Oblivion/Skyrim material). You could have people meet in taverns or whatever and start a game of TESL. The Crown Store is already well established and could offer packs of cards... there's a lot of potential for making big bucks and promote ESO at the same time.

    submitted by /u/Olivier21093
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    Let's crown the True Champion in each category

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:19 AM PST

    I am staying!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:16 AM PST

    Stop this drama and get over it. Nothing changed. We are trained well to keep playing without updates and communication.

    I am staying and will keep playing.

    submitted by /u/ArchmageNemo
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    How to say goodbye to TESL: A sad guide for Legends

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:48 PM PST

    Sparky should make a Card Game

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:02 AM PST

    They have the staff. The know how. And the tech. Clearly, thats already in place.

    But they also have an audience. An audience looking for a game. An audience loathe to return to Hearthstone and all its RNG gambling.

    All Sparky has to do, is:

    -Keep it simple: A complex game is fine. But dont pull a Fantasy Flight and add too much complexity, just for the sake of it. Keep it simple enough to be genuinely fun

    -Keep it honest: People should win with skill, not because a slot machine handle gave them a win. Card draw randomness is fine. Hearthstone/Invade levels of RNG...not so much.

    -Keep it REAL: You HAVE TO make money. Everyone gets that. TESL was just a bit too generous with rewards. On the other hand, Hearthstone is far, far too stingy to even be fun. Find the balance. Be honest while you are looking for it, letting people know that in the early times, rewards are subject to change, as you are striving for that balance.

    -Innovate: You dont need to revolutionize card games. But you can just make a Hearthstone clone, either. Consider looking at games like Keyforge for inspiration. The fact that the win condition is something other than just "killing" the opponent, means keywords are much more relevant and their use matters far more than in most games.

    Whatever Sparky decides, I wish them well. They didnt deserve to be thrown into another of Bethesda's failures. I look forward to seeing what they can do without the influence of one the greediest, least consumer friendly publishers in the industry and I wish them luck in their endeavors.

    Just remember, Sparky: You have an audience here. One looking for a game. One that would help you market that game by grassroots, word of mouth effort. Think about it,

    submitted by /u/NorthEasternNomad
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    In case anyone wanted to know

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:30 AM PST

    My main account is /u/millenialsage

    I figure I won't have much longer to find good reasons to shitpost on this account so I felt like getting that off my chest. I do not and have not ever had any other tunafish accounts if you were wondering.

    Have a good one everybody.

    And if you didn't like my posts what did you expect from a fucking fish anyway?

    submitted by /u/ShittyTunaFish
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    No longer active in the community but have been playing Legends since release

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:07 AM PST

    Yeah bummer this game is ending. I've been around since two weeks after the game launched. I suspected this game was going to die when the original team fumbled the launch in the face of a mass exodus of hearthstone players...everyone was excited about a more serious card game like MTG and elder scrolls fit the bill...but that anticipation faded when there were huge droughts when it came to content. Once MTG came out with a competent online version, IMO that was the nail in this game coffin.

    As someone who adults 99.9% of the time this was my go to on airplanes, uber rides, waiting for food at a restaurant....bummer its now dead. I may still play but its likely I'll move on. I already did the content drought thing with the original legends team, no point in doing it again.

    Anyway...I've never netdecked, with card games the journey of deck building was always more fun than consistent winning, still I managed to reach legend almost every month with my home brews.....here are the last three decks I was playing.

    First Deck is an altar of despair deck I've been refining since the release of that card. Don't worry about losing life as its pretty common to come back from < 15 and climb to > 40. This deck doesn't need the altar loop to win.

    Second deck is an atronach deck, not quite as refined but still okay, it was really good prior to Alliance War, but just didn't get the level of attention to bring it up to par with the most current set. The expertise card doesn't work and it needs to be modernized. The value snowball is a lot of fun.

    Third deck is blink/steal deck. This is the newest and least refined idea being that you steal your opponents key creatures and along with your tool box creatures you blink them around for optimum value.


    Anyways guys. If your sticking around have fun, if you're moving on, hope to see you in another game.

    submitted by /u/darkfatesboxoffice
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    I spent a lot of money on this game so I'm gonna write my own letter to Sparky and our community

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:46 AM PST

    Wow, coming here every day for the last 3ish years really gave me the impression that we'd be around for a lot longer... When this game was first announced I probably groaned, a card game with elderscrolls characters slapped on it felt really cheap and silly to me, like they were just milking this TES cashcow and not giving any thought to the series. I was driving home on a long trip listening to an H3H3 podcast my brother put on where the host began talking about it for a bit so I thought screw it, why not? I never would've expected that I'd log almost 1,500 hours into a card game, a genre I've never found interesting before, nor felt so emotional about. There's a lot of things that could've been done so differently as we watched this game grow, but now I think it's most important of all that we continue to nurture it. I hope that many people will continue to log in for those monthlies, or come back for arenas, or complete unfinished missions, finish their collections, or especially continue experimenting with fun and interesting decks. Just because we won't have any new major content for the foreseeable future doesn't mean we have to all pack up. I hope most of us will stay active and remain as a community. There's always a potential for another rebound so long as there continues to be a playerbase, if monthlies will remain through 2020, perhaps that will give time for some new reason for TES to gain attention once again, and maybe some of that attention could be funneled towards rebuilding a player base? It might be a long time, and this game will probably never be what it once was, but for what we did have, this was truly a gem and I'm so glad to have been and will continue to be a part of it. I'll also continue to keep playing and posting my decks, or banter about this game because

    it's been worth every cent.

    submitted by /u/Wabbstarful
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    Post Malone - we need you now more than ever!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:25 AM PST


    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:04 AM PST

    It's really a sad and heartbreaking moment for all of us who enjoyed the game.

    Since Morrowing I fell in love with ESL lore. When TESL came out I couldn't be happier! TESL is such a good game- it has been my favorite CCG game. Played it since day one!

    I love TESL. Showed and shared this game to many friends of mine. I love TESL so much that 4 months ago I even decided to start a youtube channel(MilanManGaming)!

    After I finish my shift at work, I hurry back home to play with my 6 months old daughter and when she's asleep to play TESL. That was the 5 minutes I lived for. Five minutes of relaxing, enjoying the game.

    Staying up at night so I can just record a decent video, sleeping less then I should....was exhausting. Exhausting, but I enjoyed playing TESL, enjoyed making videos. I was really putting my energy and everything I have into this.

    AND NOW THIS. I'm heartbroken... Don't even know what to do, what to play... But I love this game, so I'll probably still be playing TESL until it is shut down or queue times become ridiculous.

    I honestly hope that this game never dies...

    submitted by /u/MrMilanMan
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    This was and is a simply incredible game.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:20 AM PST

    I have been gaming since 1990 — still remember loading Super Mario Bros on my NES back then and the magic of watching Mario run across the screen. TESL was the first CCG I've ever played & it had me hooked from the first time I downloaded it on IOS and thought why not give this a go (as a TES fan) in January 2018. Since then I think i have pretty much played for some time every single day except for enforced client change downtime.

    Nothing, no game anywhere has been anything like as absorbing, as engaging, as captivating, I remember constantly marvelling that in a world where are lucky enough to have amazing open worlds to explore - this was the game that drew me in like no other. I wish more people would have tried it and spent a bit of time with it. I spent a fair time with it — top 500 or so legend most months since March 18 so not the best of players but I had my moments!

    Yesterday's news cut deeply - I actually loaded up and tried some of the games mentioned here today - Mythgard, Gwent - neither really felt like they clicked. I then kind of reluctantly went back to TESL this afternoon, played a couple of games and it really is incomparable. So I have gone from a place where I was just going to straight quit to one where I expect I will continue for a while at least albeit with a heavy heart.

    Asian legends makes this a bit atypical from most going to maintenance I think, because there is a genuine if narrow way through to it being revived. We'll know soon enough if Asian legends takes off I guess - if it does, I'd actually be quite optimistic. I also wonder if Bethesda won't want to pick this up again in 2022 or 3 whenever TES VI is launched but I have no idea how the logistics of that would work!

    While we still have numbers here in the subreddit I will just finish by thanking each and everyone who I have played against and in many cases had such extremely challenging and enjoyable games against. Thanks to CVH for the constant enthusiasm and to Direwolf and Sparky for their efforts. You created something really special.

    submitted by /u/Ahyums
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    Maybe someone will swoop in to save the day...

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:26 AM PST

    Who knows, someone might be willing to invest in tesl and pick it up - might not be anytime soon, but I think there's a possibility that some tech company or investor out there could see what a beautiful mess this game has become and rejuvinate it into an even better version than it ever was for the sake of the franchise.

    submitted by /u/Poposkif
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    Leave the Arena now and rest! You've earned it!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:57 PM PST

    So whats the outlook? How long do we have before they pull the plug?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:40 AM PST

    A year? Half a year, third of a year?

    Whats it lookin like, kings?

    submitted by /u/NeuroticNyx
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