• Breaking News

    Monday, December 9, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Better late than never, been playing since beta, first time this happened. Pretty EPIC!!

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Better late than never, been playing since beta, first time this happened. Pretty EPIC!!

    Better late than never, been playing since beta, first time this happened. Pretty EPIC!!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:16 AM PST

    Official Announcement of Maintenance Mode?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:26 AM PST

    Official Announcement of Maintenance Mode?

    Really disappointing to me that the TES:L devs haven't really officially told the average public player that the game is in maintenance mode. I played a ton of this game but have only come to reddit for this sub a handful of times. If you don't come to this sub, there is literally ZERO indication the game is in maintenance mode. See for yourselves: Steam, twitter, official forums main page: Nothing from the devs whatsoever. Shameful. Some poor kid is gonna drop 20 bucks of his holiday money on cards and have zero idea the game is over essentially. Absolutely shameful handling.




    submitted by /u/WoolyDub
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    Found something oddly familiar in TES Blades

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:04 AM PST

    If no more updates, please at least make Arena mode randomized evenly across all sets?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:21 PM PST

    If this game isn't going to get new expansions, it'd be nice if Arena mode would be evenly randomized across all sets, and not have draft offerings weighted towards Invade. With the constructed meta now frozen, Arena will be the last place where you can play the game with any expectation of diversity and novelty. It'd be nice to make that mode a place of as much diversity as possible.

    submitted by /u/Johnny_Human
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    I intentionally lost all my games in the gauntlet to see the rank I get. I sometimes was close to victory before resigning so that may have an impact. Anyway, here's my result!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:27 AM PST

    There is... a house... in Morrowind... Goodbye old friend

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:00 AM PST

    Googled "reddit elder scrolls legends" after the recent news and this was the third result for me... ouch.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:58 AM PST

    Life-support isn't dead. Keep playing till the servers shut down.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:24 AM PST

    Wednesday's Weekly Post

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:22 AM PST

    In light of recent news I've been thinking about suspending the content creator profile, as it's likely that many will slow down on streaming the game, or stop altogether. In it's place I was thinking of making weekly meta/deck discussion posts. I've always struggled to find a good place for meta snapshots or discussions. Team Rankstar usually does a good job, but there's not much else that I'm aware of.

    So the post could be a place to share and refine decks, or talk about what meta people are seeing and how to counter it.

    What do people think? Should I continue the content creator profile a bit longer? Should I switch to meta and deck discussion? Is there another topic that people want to see?

    Let me know.

    submitted by /u/Stalinski13
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    Thanks for this amazing game

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:45 AM PST

    I loved this game. With all that I had. I've played since opening the closed beta. I stayed until the end. Now every post I read here... EVERY ONE... fills me with sadness. It makes me want to cry. I loved this game. Loved it so much. I had a lot of curiosity, interest, to know which cards would come, what Legends would become. I kept quiet, holding on to everything that happened in it from beginning to end. But now i need to say those words: I Loved This Game. And it's hard, very hard, very very hard, to say goodbye.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who played this game and, like me, enjoyed their adventures with the common, rare, epic and legendary cards!

    I still hope, like a faint glow of hope in the dark night, that the game will get over it , as it has done so many times before. Even if none of this happens, I will continue to come here, reading the posts, waiting for some news from the future ...I devoted part of my life to this game... four years... and as much as I speak, I could never express everything I feel about this happening to Legends. Goodbye for alls... thanks for every time you beat me in matches and dueled me until I won. Thanks for each streamers (especially Nijel, who had so much fun).

    With much regret, trying to get over this loss, farewell, tavern buddies.

    submitted by /u/Arkimedess
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    I like making/playing weird and (very) off meta decks. Just played two 20/20 Spiny Haj Mota’s by turn 5 thanks to midnight burial. (PS: RIP TESL)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:52 AM PST

    Even in death this Sub can't stop whining

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:04 PM PST

    Just quit it.

    Finally at the end of the world, can we not just have a little peace, and a little dignity?

    You whined Jaws Of Oblivion to death, then whined that body down through the dirt into the underworld, demanding a refund. If that expansion was the deciding moment in this game's death - then you whined this game to death. Streamers, players, content "creators", tournament organizers. All whined a wave of whine that burst the borders of the river Styx, and swept this game away.

    You whined last year and this year, you whined about control and tricolour. You whined about (god help you) alternate art, and whatever 50 or 60 other things you wanted to whine about.

    Let me just leave you with the words of the great James Earl Jones:

    Dear Simba, the great card games of the past all died so that their bodies could become the grass, get eaten by antelopes, so that we could eat them and then poop and die. Or something. Now they are all stars or some shit.

    It's the circle of CCG life, Simba. Now TESL will look down on you while you play Gwent, and chuckle. It was nice, but now he's dead antelope poop. Oh also Gwent is dying too. Soon everyone will just play fuckin DOTA auto chess.

    submitted by /u/Thatguyjmc
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    help me say goodbye!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:54 AM PST

    I used to make an occasional gaming video just because i enjoyed the process, & I would like to make a thank you video for our content creators. All i ask is that anyone and everyone who has a favorite moment from a stream or youtube or whatever share the clip or link with me here or on twitter (same @), any clips would mean a lot to me!

    submitted by /u/Galvies
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    My Goodbye to TESL

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:58 PM PST

    Can someone explain me how the Shouts work? What do they mean by Levels and how I can achieve those levels?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:17 AM PST

    Finally Give Us Generic Packs? (Pretty Please?)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:49 AM PST

    If [since] you have stopped development, please stop giving me/us basically JoO packs [as a foolish rube who paid for the that prerelease.]

    Give us vouchers for any pack we might still need to fulfill our collection of cards. I know you won't, and I would think that pleading on the reddit is pointless, but this is the ONLY place you have announced your own degeneracy.

    I don't care if I lose it all when you pull the plug on the servers, but I am bored enough to keep grinding arena with my tickets/gold if I can have a slightly better chance at getting a 100% collection [of cards.] I am already pretty close, but this would be nice.

    submitted by /u/TycoonBarnaby
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    A year-long content freeze is the perfect time to complete your collection

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:54 PM PST

    Also, rewards will likely be overly generous, making it even better.

    I'm sticking it out in case someone buys the game rights or things change.

    submitted by /u/Ritter-
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    Weekly Roundup Post - 12/09/2019

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:56 AM PST

    submitted by /u/teachua79
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    [Bug Report] Enchanted Ring Draws do not stack, though card text suggests they should.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:32 PM PST

    [Bug Report] Enchanted Ring Draws do not stack, though card text suggests they should.

    When I equipped Enchanted Ring to my creature with 2 more rings in the discard pile, I expected to get 3 draws. Namely, one from the Ring I just played, and 2 more from the summon effects of the two rings from the Discard Pile resolving. I imagined the following order to take place:

    1. Ring (1) from hand is played on a creature.
    2. The Summon effect Starts.
    3. Ring (2) and (3) are equipped.
    4. Ring (1) checks itemcount, recognizes 3 equipped items, draws.
    5. Ring (2) Summon effect starts, but there are no rings in the Discard Pile.
    6. Ring (2) recognizes 3 equipped items, draws a card.
    7. Ring (3) Summon effect starts, but there are no rings in the Discard Pile.
    8. Ring (3) recognizes 3 equipped items, draws a card.
    9. /u/NoCountryForOldCards feels very smart.

    I thought maybe the order resolved funny, but when I played an Enchanted Ring with 4 other Rings in my discard pile, I still received only one draw. Besides, I remember /u/SparkyWrapter suggesting that order is supposed to resolve in the most favorable way.

    Enchanted Ring, a new Tamriel collection card.

    In my opinion, this makes no sense. Compare the wording of Enchanted Ring to that of Master of Arms. Master of Arms is notorious for being able to use cards like Tome of Alteration and Dragon Priest Mask to generate incredible (at the time) value.

    Master of Arms, Core set

    Anyways, in my personal opinion and with the way Enchanted Ring is worded (especially compared to Master of Arms), I expect all the Rings I equip to be draws, not just the one actually played from hand. It seems inconsistent and the current implementation seems like a bad payoff to an understatted card in debatably the least interesting three color deck. Finally I felt like my lovely Daggerfall had a niche and a unique draw engine, but alas.

    (Not So Fun Fact: Master of Arms + Gardener of Swords + Dumping a bunch of items into the grave throughout the game was used to be THE insane value-generation from hand, oh how the times have changed).

    submitted by /u/NoCountryForOldCards
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    Having all these kitties without a single Moon Gate in the entire match. So depressive. I lost. (But won 9/2 at the end)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:47 AM PST

    Midnight Burial + Ruin Shambler working as intended?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:23 PM PST

    I tried to combo Midnight Burial into Ruin Shambler but the new cards didn't get consumed despite entering the discard pile this turn. Is copied not counted as entering the discard pile? On the bright side, the card enables Spiny Haj Mota damn well.

    submitted by /u/GENGUNNER02
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    Reddit TESL Tournament #3 - Round 3/4 - Deadline: Dec 15, 11pm EST

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:45 AM PST

    How to actually save TES:Legends

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:18 PM PST

    I've been seeing a lot of discussions about monetization and stuff with regards to saving TES:L, and, as nice as those were, they mean nothing unless Bethesda decides to put serious effort into bringing back this game (which is unlikely to say the least). And, even if they do, it'll probably be really cashgrabby considering Bethesda's most recent... ah... business decisions (*cough* BLADES *cough*).

    The only thing we can do is port every card and mechanic from TES:L to a new API/private server client. It'll take a while, for sure, but we have a year so we're golden. This also allows players to create their own events and cards, which will breathe some life back into the game. I imagine that this would be the only way to maintain the game after Bethesda terminate the official servers.

    submitted by /u/Karimo101
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    Guide to getting TESL:Asian on an iphone?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:44 AM PST

    There's a very helpful guide to use a vpn for android: https://old.reddit.com/r/elderscrollslegends/comments/e7nuz7/recommendations_for_a_potato_phone/fa35zzp/

    Anyone wanna put together a similar one for ios? I'm on iphone and can't figure it out...

    submitted by /u/spedizione_ateniese
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