• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Contest: Most Engaging Post - 3 Winners get 2 packs of JoO

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Contest: Most Engaging Post - 3 Winners get 2 packs of JoO

    Contest: Most Engaging Post - 3 Winners get 2 packs of JoO

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:00 AM PST

    Let's try something new this week. From the time of this post onwards till Sunday 11pm EST. 3 post with the highest upvotes will be selected as the winner for this contest.

    So, let's see who can come up with the most engaging post. Post from Bethesda and Mods will not count.

    The winner will be announced in the Weekly Roundup Post on Monday.

    Other ongoing/upcoming Community Engagement Activities for this week with 2 packs giveaway

    See also:

    submitted by /u/teachua79
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    Invade Discussion Mega-Thread

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:49 PM PST

    According to this post, we'll be cracking down on invade complaint threads more.

    There are many posts a day on invade, and it can drown out other posts. Most of the reports we get are in threads relating to invade.

    I think everyone has an opinion on invade, so just let it all out here. Complain, praise, whatever.

    The comments will be sorted by new.

    submitted by /u/yumyum36
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    The fact that Nereid Sisters' random keywords do not count towards this quest is rather silly. Not even the random one they get when summoned.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:44 AM PST

    If you're feeling uncertain about the state of the game for the upcoming year, remember:

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:51 AM PST

    We need some communication. A plea to sparky.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:29 AM PST

    2019 is coming to a close soon. We need to know if the roadmap still stands for a start. There is still an expansion due for 2019. The road map explicitly stated "Legends in 2019". It's totally ok if the expansion is pushed for later but we need to know what's happening, some hint, anything. The rumors are exploding lately, like that the game is going into maintenance mode, the elephant in the room.

    We know that people have left sparky lately. That and the dead silence we get only serve to reinforce these theories. We didn't even get a heads up for the last patch, patch notes, anything really.

    It's not my intention to spread chaos and doubt but guys let's be real, it's not looking good.

    I would urge you to not invest money at this time if you were considering to do so, not until we hear something from them, like anything. Personally I won't invest my time either, I will sit comfortably but nervously at rank 4 waiting for something to happen.

    There is of course more into the situation, fractions of information I am not comfortable sharing. I don't want to believe it but the people I talk to have nearly succeeded in convincing me and I want them to be wrong so bad.

    Talk to us Sparky, CVH, someone. Say something. Something other than the weekly event. Is there a future for the game?

    Ramble over.

    submitted by /u/DarkSnowElf21
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    Moderating Censorship/Behavior

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:12 AM PST

    Since there was a topic on this earlier and an action has to be taken, so I thought of making a statement on this...

    Generally, we do not unnecessarily censor topics/comments unless it is against the rules. We also do not simply remove the comments of some individuals who go around repeating the same opinion across others' post. As long it is civil, we are ok. However, it is NOT OK to use abusive language or personal attacks when posting.

    I can genuinely say that our mods here at reddit are very lenient. Over at fb group, unconstructive negativity and nasty remarks would have been removed and toxic individuals would have been warned/muted/booted out much earlier. Overall, people are happier there even with a striker moderation team. We rarely have reports or have the need to take actions against people.

    I respect how this reddit sub is being run, so I hope everyone should respect how it is too and do not abuse the leniency given. Remember that this group is not only for you but also to a lot of others. We want people come here to discuss, learn and feel comfortable to post and not come here just to listen to your voice/opinion every time only.

    In the event, you were being banned for behavior. This is of course due to the accumulative complaints against you and trust me, the other mods here do not simply ban. Some of the mods were attacked by abusive language which they have to swallow just because they are the 'moderators'. So, if you do get banned, you should know you really have crossed the line.

    Lastly, please keep in mind that all mods would want you to stay but please be respectful with everyone.

    submitted by /u/teachua79
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    jele island cup #4 this saturday

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:29 AM PST

    I think I may have over done it...

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:34 AM PST

    Invade could work like shouts

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:38 AM PST

    Each colour could have unique invade types such as ( red invade give a creature 1+1 2+2 3+3. Blue invade put a fire bolt in your hand, put a reverberating strike in your hand , put a lightning bolt in your hand. Yellow invade put a 1 1 scamp in your hand. Put a 3 3 invasion marauder in your hand. Put a 4 3 spiteful dremora in your hand. Green invade give a creature lethal. Give a creature lethal and pilfer 1+1. Give a creature lethal pilfer 1+1 and destroy a wounded creature purple invade give a creature guard. Give a creature guard and drain. Give a creature guard drain and regenerate. Neutral invade put an oblivion gate on the feild. Level oblivion gate twice and then level it 4 times)

    Each colour can run 3 copies of invade actions and creatures with the text invade have their own unique keyword or keywords depending on level. that's my opinion on the oblivion crisis!

    submitted by /u/Grimfocus93
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    Our Asian friends are streaming :)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:38 AM PST

    What got you into Legends?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:22 PM PST

    I got into Legends because it was an Elder Scrolls game. I'm curious as to how many of you out there play this game because it's an Elder Scrolls game, or card game, or maybe even both.

    submitted by /u/Emer_Dareloth
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    Since we’re on the Oblivion expansion.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:40 PM PST

    Thoughts on prophecy cards from a new player

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:18 PM PST

    First, let me get out of the way that this is NOT a complain post about prophecies

    What I want to discuss is the lack of cards that synergize with or counter prophecies

    I went through the collection and there's only these cards that do such things:

    • Blind Moth Priest, 2/3 yellow creature that glows if the top card of your opponent deck is a prophecy (By far my favorite card in the game not just because its a very unique mechanic but the flavor of the card is just on point)

    • Phalanx Exaemplar, 5/6 yellow creature with guard that puts a 1/2 guard in your hand if your opponent drew a prophecy from a broken rune

    • Dark Guardian, 2/5 purple creature with guard that draws you a card if your opponent drew a prophecy from a broken rune

    • Ultimate Heist, 12? magicka green action that destroys your opponent front rune and steal the card they drew from it, you can play it for free if its a prophecy

    • Fate Weaver, 3/3 blue creature that draws your a card, if its a prophecy you can play it for free

    Thats it. Thats all the cards as far as I know that interact with prophecies, which is kinda weird because for me lanes and prophecy cards are the things that make TESL different from other card games

    Now Im not a card designer and Im actually terrible at this game but why arent there more cards like these?

    Something like a creature that as long its on the board your opponent cant play prophecies drawn from broken runes on your turn, if its too strong in aggressive decks maybe make it with terrible stats or higher cost or both. Or maybe instead of an ongoing effect its just for 1 turn

    Or a creature that copies prophecies from a rune being broken

    I feel like a lot of people get frustrated with runes but I feel like there a lot of space that could be explored with them besides just printing prophecy cards that are played for free when draw from a rune

    Maybe Im just dumb and Im not seeing the why but just wanted to share my thoughts and maybe have a little discussion about it


    submitted by /u/DurnehviirGotBaited
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    Request: Can we get more variety in event pack rewards

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:28 PM PST

    I'm really loving the events. And thanks to regular participation, I've got a nearly complete collection of Jaws cards. I totally get why events rewards packs from the most recent set, but as far as I can recall, there has only been one event that rewarded anything other than Jaws packs (that one was an even split of core and Jaws). For me, such a change would really only help me progress towards a complete collection -- I've got all the cards I actually want to play with. So it'd be nice, but it's a low priority. However, increased reward variety would be very helpful for new players who need everything.

    submitted by /u/someBrad
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    People complain about things they love

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:00 PM PST

    Hi all. I want to give a quick shout out to our biggest whiners (insert Kappa emote), personofsecrets and ToastieNL. They deserve a bit of credit as possibly the best example of what people do when they love something and want it to be better - they bitch about the things they don't care for. Same as I did when I bitched about refunds - I love the game and don't want to see it ruined by predatory business practices.

    I'm not gonna pretend like they haven't occasionally annoyed me or been unfair in some of their criticism, but I would never ever suggest that their posts aren't welcome. You know what I did when I got tired of them? I blocked them for a few weeks. No problem.

    Fact of the matter is that we are a small subreddit for a small game. We see a lot of each other and get used to seeing a lot of the same people and opinions. But there really isn't anything wrong with that in my view.

    I would love our mods to not remove anything unnecessarily. I really like that people are able to share their opinions on the game here freely and vent about things they don't like. If the post is low effort/boring, I just don't comment and move on. Simple.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/MillenialSage
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    Banned/restricted list - a discussion

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:04 AM PST

    I've seen a lot of posts, and I'm sure you all have, complaining. About cards, archetypes, mechanics - the works.

    So I'm curious how people feel on the subject. For those not familiar with the idea, a banned/restricted list is implemented when cards or a combination of cards are deemed too impactful or too powerful. Combo Invade and Hand Buff are great examples, because they have key pieces that made them work. A B/R list would reduce the number of individual cards you can have in the deck, making it less consistent and thus, easier to deal with.

    We all know they can change the code on what's allowed or not, so this is just a more permanent idea based on that. As is, they could implement a hypothetical B/R for Ranked, while leaving Casual untouched.


    submitted by /u/Seadas
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    High level arena players get in here

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:06 PM PST

    I'm stuck at Rank 9, and although I usually make Legend on ladder, I don't have the same success in versus arena. What I would love to hear from successful arena players:

    What 3 classes would you prioritize for draft:

    What is your drafting strategy: Lots of removal? Lots of Items? Big beefy bodies? Summon effects?

    What style have you had the most success with in the current arena meta (Invade? Control? Aggro?):


    submitted by /u/spedizione_ateniese
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    [bug] Two Marauder Chieftain's do not interact properly. Info inside the screenshoot.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:22 AM PST

    10 categories for megathreads

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:58 PM PST

    Since invade gets its own megathread, what other 9 megathreads can you come up with so that you don't have to see people talking about the things you dont want to talk about?

    1. Prophecy bull shit
    2. I just had a game that...
    3. I git a spider daedra in my pack zzzomg
    4. Ideas for this weeks gauntlet.
    5. Omg i beat legend _ with my aggro deck and ring AMA

    Im out of ideas

    submitted by /u/Turdburglary1
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    Disadvantages to only having a google account and not a bethesda one?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:58 PM PST

    I was a dummy and signed up with google play instead of bethesda when I started and now I am 3 months in. Is it ok to leave it like this? I can still use the data from this Google account on different devices I think.

    Edit: this is on android btws

    submitted by /u/PulsatingPleasurePis
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