• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 11, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Fun And Interactive Series Finale & Legends Send Off episode is up

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Fun And Interactive Series Finale & Legends Send Off episode is up

    Fun And Interactive Series Finale & Legends Send Off episode is up

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 08:03 AM PST

    Thanks to all the regulars who are still hanging on for a few good games. I am still enjoying the game.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 02:53 AM PST

    Allegiance Gauntlet (single color) this weekend

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 09:49 AM PST

    Been sending these to my grandma and they've been making her very happy (I think she thinks I'm turning religious!) She keeps asking where I get my great ideas!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 09:15 AM PST

    TESL Asia Battle Pass Breakdown (Premium and Free)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 08:50 AM PST

    So I've seen a lot of posts/comments regarding the economy of TESL Asia, and the premium currency (crown coins), so I figured I'd shoot some info over here to possibly clear up any questions people might have. Obligatory I'm not sponsored warning (but hey I'd like to be).

    So I don't like premium currency in general, I think it's mostly just a pointless extra step in the purchasing process. However, at least at this very moment, I wouldn't say it is being used in a predatory manner. Anyway, onto the breakdown.

    So first, the cost of the battle pass. The battle pass is broken up into both free and premium versions. They both level up in tandem, and purchasing the premium battle pass at a later date will still grant all previous levels of rewards retroactively. The premium battle pass costs 180 crown coins to purchase. This is the closest they come to being negative in my opinion. The closest applicable crown coin purchases are for 110 or 230 crown coins. Ideally I'd like to see a bundle able to be purchased that matches the cost of the battle pass, but I understand this is a common tactic in mtx for games. Let's say you go with the 230 crown coin bundle, because you get more bang for your buck. This costs $158HK. Conversion to USD comes to $20.22, obviously local exchange rates apply. So for all intents and purposes, buying the battle pass will cost you roughly $20 USD. Note: This does leave enough crown coins leftover to purchase their starter bundle, which like ours offers 10 (or 15, cant remember) packs and 1 legendary pack. But for the sake of this breakdown we ignore that. Just a fun add in fact lol.

    So what do you get for your $20 USD? First, let's show the free battle pass rewards.

    FREE Battle Pass

    • 3,200 Gold
    • 425 Soul Gems
    • 24 Random Common Cards
    • 55 Crown Coins ($4.86 USD Value)
    • 3 Random Epic Cards

      Thats all free just for playing enough! Now onto the premium pass

    PREMIUM Battle Pass

    • 1 Dark Brotherhood Card Back
    • The Madhouse Collection (Can be crafted after this season if you do not purchase it)
    • 3600 Gold
    • 1600 Soul Gems
    • 62 Packs
    • 1 Premium Legendary Card (Mundus Stone this month)
    • 100 Crown Coins
    • 5 Common Glyphs (Can be used to upgrade a normal common card into premium)
    • 5 Rare Glyphs
    • 1 Legendary Glyph
    • Endless 35 gold rewards for every level above 100 you go

      I may be off slightly on my counts, I did all this by hand lol. But buying 60 packs alone (with 3 legendary cards) costs 780 crown coins. So I don't think I need to point out that you get WAY more than your money's worth provided you play enough to level up.

      Another cool thing to point out is you earn 155 crown coins just for leveling up both battle passes in a season. That means youre only 25 crown coins away from being able to go infinite off of one battle pass purchase.

      Again, I'm not trying to sway anyone one way or the other regarding the Asian client. Play it if you want, don't if you don't want to. I've just seen a lot of misinformation spread on here recently, so I wanted to clear things up at least on the battle pass front. Also apologies if the formatting is gross.....I'm bad at reddit

    submitted by /u/DTBlayde
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    History of Legends -02 Nerfs to Agility

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:41 PM PST

    Hi all. History of legends will be a series of posts regarding TESL history, from decks to cards to nerfs and events that happened in our community.

    Part 1

    Once upon a time, agility was the king in TESL. In this post, we will talk about the nerfs to agility and how it shaped agility as an attribute in legends later on.

    In part 1, we talked about soulrest marshal, health matters card (if you have more health than your opponent do x). The same patch also nerfed another card, murkwater savage. Here is what merakon wrote in August 26 2016:

    Change: Murkwater Savage to 3 cost.

    Reason: Murkwater Savage gained stats at such a fast rate that it was significantly ahead of comparable cards, and contributed to lopsided games. The restriction of needing to include mostly Agility creatures was not a huge cost, and Savage frequently grew too large too quickly.

    As you can see, agility got 2 of its staple aggro cards nerfed in the same patch. This was because both assasin and archer was tier 1 aggro decks and it was really hard to fight against them with what we had in open beta. But these nerfs were not enough to stop agility, dwd later on needed to nerf multiple agility cards to bring it in line with others.

    So at november 16,2016, devs decided to nerf agility. Agility got 3 of its staple cards nerfed in this patch:

    You might ask, but why agility? It was more due to assasin being particulary strong and not agility itself. It had too much reach with cliff racer,tazkad,lightning bolt and house kinsman, was full of prophecies to combat aggro and basically was an all around strong deck. Assasin also had another strong archtype, burn assasin (which became relevant after 3 years with similar core cards again).

    In the end between August 26- November 16, green got 5 of its cards nerfed. In the same time, intelligence had 4 nerfs (mostly geared towards nerfing assasin and mage), willpower had 2 nerfs (geared towards mage and spellsword), strength and endurance had 0 nerfs. In fact, strength got 2 buffs and endurance got 1 buff in this time frame.

    Here you can see our community manager CVH talking about the changes and also can see the meta snapshot of the time.

    In the next post, we will talk about overall meta between these patches and one of the cards that turned into a meme.

    submitted by /u/reflectivetunafish
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    An FYI about rotating weekly posts

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:27 AM PST

    We plan to keep the Sparky farewell post up this week, and then resume daily rotating posts on Monday, if the community is okay with that. I will, however, sticky a link to the farewell posts in CVH's update announcement.

    submitted by /u/Stalinski13
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    jele island cup #5 - every first saturday in a month

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 03:25 AM PST

    Bethesda should...

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:04 PM PST

    ... send us shiny copies of each player's collection that we could keep as memorabilia. Maybe they could throw a reasonable price for covering the price of printing those... I know I'd like that 😛

    Or on a more serious note, making a version of TESL that could be played in LAN, with two different clients, one for the ones organising the events and one for the contestants. There could be some type of tournament mode that was booster based in some way (that could be enabled if such a thing as "class boosters" could exist, and maybe have a low deck size, like 30 cards each. In terms of monetization, maybe one fraction of the price the players paid could be for the ones organizing the event while the rest would be profit for Bethesda.

    Why I think this is interesting is because I believe it would be easier to extend the player base, and there would be profit generated without Bethesda having to do anything besides keeping the servers alive.

    Probably just a shit idea, but just wishful thinking from someone who used to play this game a lot and that finds it heartbreaking to witness this game's demise

    submitted by /u/frosafelix
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    Just when I thought TESL Asia couldn't get any better, I get this absolute treasure on my 3rd pack opening. I'm loving this client more and more everyday.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 09:20 PM PST

    Where can I go to see people's updated decklists, and what decks are you playing now?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 09:58 AM PST

    I don't care if this game is not in active development now. I enjoy the game, but I came back recently and I'm not sure what kinds of metas there are with actually viable/good decks.

    I've just been using a mildy updated Ramp Scout deck, and it's been working great, but I'm interested in seeing other VIABLE decks.

    submitted by /u/ManWithYourPlan
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    Bug in Asian version?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:03 AM PST

    I have 1 free unlock for Dark Brotherhood plus 4 keys. However,the free one doesn't work and makes 4 keys unuseful, too. Unlocking for crowns works fine.

    submitted by /u/FireSoul1991
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    When will the servers get axed?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 09:28 PM PST

    Do they keep it running indefinitely or until it costs more to maintain the servers than it does to axe it.

    How certain is the future of this game?

    Does anyone have an educated guess or any insider info.

    If the servers do go down I will honestly be so sad, in the year or so that I discovered this game although I didn't make to many friends it honestly felt like a really cozy and tight community being a part of it.

    I reached legends 100 a few months when the meta fit me and had my ins and outs with the game, it felt like a chapter of my life and gonna be sad if it dies for good.

    submitted by /u/mayoung10
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    Infinite Alduin, help me break the game.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:12 PM PST

    With the new (and final) collection, the card midnight burial was added. As many know, this now allows an infinite loop of alduin spawning. Unfortunately, if your opponent has the right deck and draws the right cards, you can still end up losing the game. Does anyone know how to make this combo be even more broken? Tl;dr Need wins, plz help

    submitted by /u/Dogemeister_420
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    Keyword [Death] deck

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:29 PM PST


    submitted by /u/Ironmanmason
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    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:12 PM PST

    After he find an opponent black screen and after 10 seconds back to the menu, tried also solo training and is the same, is just me?
    EDIT: it may be the hotel wifi, but gog galaxy and gwent work fine :/

    submitted by /u/capofudo
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