• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 12, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Here's my little tribute to this awesome community.

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Here's my little tribute to this awesome community.

    Here's my little tribute to this awesome community.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:49 AM PST

    After 33+ years of gaming, Legends is in my top 2

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 02:28 AM PST

    Pretty sure I have over 2500 hours and have really loved this game, especially making my own decks, and the community.

    I've always been a contrarian in competitive games, wanting to go counter-meta, and legends was the perfect formula to allow innovation and uniqueness. I take my hat off to some of the top tier deck builders who came up with crazy shit that could cut it in top 20 consistently.

    The only game that came close for me was WoW Burning Crusade pvp, that shit was glorious. #3 on the list is probably original Destiny pvp or Master of Orion. Legends will take its place in the halls of nostalgia.

    It's sad to see the end but we're fortunate to have had it.

    Thanks to Sparky, Dire Wolf and Bethesda for making it happen and for wasting almost half a year of actual time from my life 😂

    submitted by /u/Chungshantesl
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    I made a blood sorceress OTK

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:14 AM PST

    Desperate Conjuring on discounted Whirling Duelist gave same card.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:45 AM PST

    Summon iron atronach on turn 6 using midnight burial and black worm necromancer. Probably my last combo for the game.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 09:00 PM PST

    History of Legends 03- Early Meta

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 11:42 PM PST

    Hi all. History of legends will be a series of posts regarding TESL history, from decks to cards to nerfs and events that happened in our community.

    Part 1

    Part 2

    In this post, we will take a look at early meta and some card changes we haven't talked about yet.

    Before the meta part, we should mention a change that would later on become a meme. On September 29, 2016, Mantikora had its effect changed from destroying a creature to destroying a creature in its own lane. This did not kill the card, as it was still a 6/6 guard with javelin attached.

    Mantikora will later get its own post as it was an important part of legends history. We will talk about the later changes to card and how it affected the community.

    In september 17,2016, CVH posted meta snapshot #1 in between the lanes. This would later become a tradition.

    Notice that first meta snapshot was before mantikora nerf. This puts the decks with mantikora a little bit higher than they would otherwise.

    The first deck we will discuss is Control Mage . Control mage had healing, removal, prophecies and board clear. This would make control mage really favoured against token and aggro decks, which some other control decks of the time like scout and spellsword struggled. List would later get refined so much and was almost always the top control deck, until Hist Grove comes out which would make a really interesting rock-paper-scissors meta.

    We will continue the meta discussion in the part 2 of Early Meta as this post is already getting too long.

    Part 2 of Early Meta

    submitted by /u/reflectivetunafish
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    When the rally hits the Redoran Oathman

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 09:50 PM PST

    History of Legends-03 Part 2

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 11:42 PM PST

    In the post earlier, we discussed control mage and how it had favourable mathcups against aggro and token decks. We will continue with another list that pretty much affected legends meta for a really long time.

    Midrange Archer was a midrange deck that was highly favoured against control mage, which made it a go to deck for control mage haters. Deck had pretty much the best 1 drop in the game, Ungolim The Listener, which was a 2/1 at the time, withered hand cultist to cripple control mage, house kinsman to get health lead, soulrest marshal and triumphant jarl to create huge boards and dig for finishers. It had the then 8 mana tazkad as its finisher. Notice the inclusion of murkwater witch, as this list would later refined into another list: Wound Archer.

    To complete the rock-paper-scissors, we will talk about prophecy assasin . Prophecy assasin was the first top tier prophecy deck (later on we will get battlemage and mage as top tier prophecy decks) that had pretty good matchup against all aggro decks but struggled against control decks. While spellsword was not a big problem for prophecy assasin, mage was a huge problem, as firebolt,ice storm and hive defender pretty much won the game for mage against prophecy assasin. Prophecy assasin also did not have withered hand cultist, a card that would later be added into every aggressive stregth deck to combat mage based control decks.

    I will link meta snapshot again so you can see the remaining decks yourself. This post focuses on the before agility and mage nerfs meta and inclusion of Hist Grove, which would later on open up some interesting decks like combo battlemage and burn assasin and made scout mages archenemy. The importance of early legends meta is that its effects are relevant even 3 years later. Best control decks are still mage based, aggro decks still use withered hand cultist, assasin still has a relevant burn deck and scout still has ramp based control deck.

    This will conclude our early meta post. In the next post, we will take a look at early content creator of legends. Later on, we will talk about later metas before the dark brotherhood expansion.

    submitted by /u/reflectivetunafish
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    "The Wandering Ship": get your token mage smorc on! Now with more Forward Camp goodness in every match thanks to the magic of Worldly Wanderer!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:53 AM PST

    I've got a dumb question: does the GAEA version have English translations?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:38 AM PST

    What exactly is the barrier to entry for a monolingual English-speaking US-based Legends player?

    submitted by /u/DrewHoov
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    Happy to see this guy one last time

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:58 AM PST

    Legends Cast Episode 25: Sayonara TESL

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:31 AM PST

    Loading screen

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:45 AM PST

    I've been playing legends for about six months. So for about a day now i haven't been able to get past the loading screen. It loads to about 1/4th then stops and continues to cycle through tips. I've tried reinstalling and restarting. Nothing has worked so far. Any other tips? iPhone 7s.

    submitted by /u/rickanater
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    Top Decks on the Ladder

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:40 AM PST

    With the inclusion of new cards recently, what would you say are the strongest decks right now? For me:

    Tier 1

    • Mid-Battlemage - It's proven the test of time, across varying metas. Consistent and versatile, with life gain and hard removal as its main weaknesses. Every single card along its curve is a threat, and it has ways of using up extra magicka when needed (Steel Dagger, Rapid Short, Firebolt, items from Sentinel Reclaimer)

    • Mid-Sorcerer - Often overlooked. In terms of consistency and raw value card-for-card, it's very hard to beat. As Endozoa mentioned in his August Snapshot, Sorcerer has the best 2- and 3-drop in the game (and the early game is where many games are won.) The addition of cards like Skinned Hound, The Gatekeeper, and Baron of Tear (in blue-heavy builds) make for an incredibly robust package.

    • Mid-Tribunal - Has one of the best matchup spreads in the game. Like Mid-BM, this archetype thrives on understanding when you should be the beatdown and when to turn the tides.

    • Aggro Assassin - If you want to climb fast and efficiently, this is your deck. A constant barrage of face damage, combined with racing tools and card draw, make Assassin very difficult to react to and play around.

    • Control Scout - Currently oversaturated in the meta, given cards like Call Dragon and Midnight Burial. However, just because it's the new fad doesn't mean it's not genuinely threatening. With time and refinement, we could see this becoming the once and future king of Control.

    Some Off-Meta/Sleeper Picks (Not Tier 1 But Good):

    • Aggro Telvanni - Has the benefit of not being predicted. Aggro Assassin with silence and Aggro Sorcerer with, well, Mournhold Traitor and Cliff Racer.

    • Aggro Dagoth - Aggro Assassin with all the utility and aggression of Red.

    • Token Mage (now with Mudcrabs) - Token Mage has always been decent, with Guards and AoE as its main weaknesses. However, with Old Salty's Assault and potential recursion from Ayrenn, you can race them before Ice Storm or refill the board thereafter.

    • Defense of Bruma Crusader - Take Aggro Crusader and make it chunkier with basically a turn 4 Divine Fervor, and you have yourself one of the strongest early boards imaginable.

    submitted by /u/thermald29
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    Do you think TESL will die out? or maybe reborn after some new projects are released like ESVI?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 03:19 AM PST

    maybe the servers will also stay after 2020. Wether with new content or not, I would be happy because we all love this game.

    submitted by /u/kgtipe
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    My deck for this weekends gauntlet. Critique welcome.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:38 AM PST

    If the opponent for some reason doesn't play anything the first 6 turns or so you could actually pull this off. Strength unite!


    submitted by /u/MangoCurry_
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    Any YouTube content creators still making videos?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:41 PM PST

    I don't really watch Twitch, but would totally still watch some YouTube vids on the new cards and the new meta while this game still has some life in it.

    submitted by /u/diamadjinn
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    Thank GOD for Vivec

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 04:40 PM PST

    [YT] The Red Mountain vs The Assassin

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 01:00 PM PST

    Been losing legend matches for the past hour or so and haven’t moved from this rank for the last 4 matches :(

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 11:27 PM PST

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