• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 22, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Steam Constructor has a flat iron for a hand. I guess it must have steam function as well :)

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Steam Constructor has a flat iron for a hand. I guess it must have steam function as well :)

    Steam Constructor has a flat iron for a hand. I guess it must have steam function as well :)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:39 AM PST

    Festival of Madness - Day 7

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 09:53 PM PST

    In Legend's Twilight Days, Allow Me to Introduce My Favorite Deck: Telvanni Altar

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:39 AM PST

    I've always wanted to share this deck with you guys, but never really got around to it. Especially with the pretty steady stream of content that's been coming throughout the year. Now that TESL will not be receiving any new content outside of monthly rewards for the foreseeable future, I figured now is the right time to share my all time favorite deck I've ever built.

    Ever since I started playing strategy card games, I have always been a fan of synergistic, tempo-oriented decks. Decks that may not be the fastest, or the most hardcore of control, but ones that love to do my favorite things: Draw cards, and set up engines that smother my opponent in value.

    This deck has been a mainstay in my repertoire since its earliest iteration as an Assassin deck back in December 2016 when Altar was first released. Ever since then, I've made constant changes to it to iron out the kinks.

    This is by no means a perfect deck, I've taken it to Legend a couple of times throughout the year in different iterations, but I dont claim to be a high tier player, nor see this as a high-tier deck. What the deck is however, is very fun and very synergistic when the engine starts going. It also has a tad bit of RNG, but not to such an extent that it relies on it.

    The Deck: SPAHpPrgbBjtwApSefAEitlIbwnAAUdKnMoeoMqybfbOlpncnwqfqNfLqkgAnNawiyjHfA

    LegendsDecks Link: https://www.legends-decks.com/deck-builder#b31c52c62c65a68c116c129c137b147c157c171c183c189c201a208c456c475c487b551a590c658c663a698c717c758b794a800c805c835a867a1157

    Your gameplan with the deck is to assemble the Altar/Amulet engine while using your staple Telvanni Removal/Cantrip package to drown your opponent in card advantage and value while mitigating their threats. Eventually, you'll have so much advantage that the opponent wont be able to keep up, and you'll either chip them down, or they will concede.

    There are a few things to keep in mind with this deck:

    For mulligans, you want to keep early control options, either supports, or cards that let you draw. Don't keep CFB or Shadowshift unless you also keep a creature. Always ditch Tinkering, Rebirth, Spymaster, and any card over 3 (4 with ring or Tree Minder) that isn't Altar.

    It's best to not drop your supports on an empty board against a class that has support removal. It is a huge tempo loss if they are removed without getting some benefit out of them.

    Be cognizant of your opponents hand. This deck is not aggressive. You want to chip away at your opponents resources (including cards in hand). Its best to only break a rune one at a time unless you have lethal on board. The more cards your opponent has, the more options they have to stop you. It's also best to not blindly sling removal spells. If it won't immediately kill you or generate a sizeable advantage for your opponent, it doesn't always need to be removed immediately. Taking damage is part of the gameplan, since it also gives you cards, and the healthy dose of life gain (Amulet, Black Hand Messenger, House Kinsman) can keep you alive.

    The first activation of altar will always summon either Ungolim or a Brotherhood Assassin if he has already been played. Likewise, there is only one creature in each slot from 6 to 10, so they will always be summoned. However, if any of these cards are not in your deck, a Sweet Roll will be summoned instead. It's important to keep track of what counter the Altar is at and which creature it will summon.

    Even though there are a number of creatures in the 2 to 5 slot, all of them either draw cards, control the board, ramp, or have useful last gasp abilities. This also synergizes well with Fleeting Aparition, which can generate insane card advantage or board control.

    The deck runs one copy each of Dark Rebirth and Barilzar's Tinkering. I often use Rebirth to push for damage with Razum-Dar or Atromancer, but it can also be used early on in a pinch if necessary. Barilzar's Tinkering is best saved exclusively for 9 drops and up, since an 11 or 12 drop for two magicka is pretty devastating (Unless its Kaalgrontiid).

    I'm open to any critiques you have.

    submitted by /u/DurableDiction
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    Lucky Gauntlet deck - Redoran Charge

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 10:58 AM PST

    Fun deck, went 7-3 with it, but I was also playing sloppy. Not amazing, yeah, but I thought I'd share it. Feel free to optimize it how you feel.


    Have fun! Thanks, friends.

    submitted by /u/erratically_sporadic
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    Not a bad third pack, thanks Todd!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:22 AM PST

    An improved timer system

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 09:18 AM PST

    My two cents on the timer issue: have the timer set relatively low, say 30 seconds, but every time you play a card 5 seconds is added. I regularly play the Dragonstar Rider/Item combo deck, which I *always* need more time for, even though I'm constantly playing cards. This solution would stop players taking too long doing nothing, but encourage long, active turns. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Scipiovardum
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    Weekend Card Discussion Thread - Midnight Burial | December 21, 2019

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 08:14 PM PST

    Weekend Card Discussion Thread - Midnight Burial | December 21, 2019

    Hello everyone and welcome to the latest card discussion thread! This time we are discussing Midnight Burial.

    Please feel free to talk about anything you find interesting about the card: design, effect on the meta, the art, sounds, animations, lore or anything else.


    Set: Tamriel Collection

    Constructed Rating*: 4.0/5.0

    Arena Rating*: 0.5/5.0

    *Constructed and Arena Ratings are a based on community votes on Legends-Decks. Remember to rate cards if you feel these ratings are not accurate.

    Example Decklist: Spiny Haj Mota by abybob

    Trivia: Spooky.

    For more stats and decklists, try Legends-Decks or visit Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages for more information!

    <-- Previous Discussion: Weekday Card Discussion Thread - Explore | December 16, 2019

    submitted by /u/MillenialSage
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    TESL Musings - Thank Yous - Wasted Competitive Advantage Bethesda - What Next: TESL Asia? Mythgard?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 04:34 PM PST

    1. Thank You :)
    2. Wasted competitive advantage Bethesda
    3. What Next?

    4. Thank You

    TESL was my go to game for the last three years and it saw me through some rough times. The community was great and I think at many times, poured more love and energy into the game than its corporate backers ever did. The game caught my interest over and above all the other CCGs I tried, Gwent, MTGA, Hearthstone, Artifact... none compared. And so like many others, I was cut upon hearing the recent announcement.

    1. Wasted Competitive Advantage Bethesda

    It wasn't just that the marketing and promotion always seemed ill timed and lack luster, TESL had the potential for such mass appeal with Skyrim a household brand name that even non-gamers have heard of. In my view a huge missed opportunity was to integrate TESL in some way into either Elder Scrolls Online, or the next big RPG release. I think I spent more hours playing Gwent inside the Witcher universe than the Witcher itself.

    1. What Next - TESL Asia.. Mythgard..

    I don't think MTGA, Gwent will draw me back. TESL Asia, maybe, but the thought of investing there to only have the same thing happen is quite off putting! Perhaps lurk occasionally in TESL without too much further investment. I booted up Mythgard yesterday and I'm encouraged but what I've seen so far. For anyone else thinking of doing the same, there's a special 20 free card pack promotion just released today with: WELCOME2019. The subreddit has others.

    See ya'll around the CCG verse

    submitted by /u/Hotszaus
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    Can't start matches in Lucky Gauntlet

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:39 AM PST

    I finished two runs (got my first 9 win streak, yay) but for my third run, matches won't start.

    When pressing play the game locates an opponent and the avatar shines like the match is about to start but then I get sent back to an empty event screen background.

    Tried this on both android and mac through steam, same issue, tried waiting multiple hours between playing as well but now it's been like this since yesterday.

    I submitted a bug report already, anyone facing the same issue or have an idea on how to fix it?

    submitted by /u/jetpakninja
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    How the fuck pity works on different packs?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:57 AM PST

    I read before that if you open 25 packs you get a guaranteed legendary. With all these deals of madness I got about 28 packs, but they're all from different sets. Do the packs need to be from the same set for the legendary to drop? I've been saving packs for a while just for this moment so don't lie to me.

    submitted by /u/uglylander
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    Had tamriel offer cliked on it and didint get it

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:47 AM PST

    I tried everything and nothing i dont understand why i didint get it i tried everything possible

    submitted by /u/2a_amine
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