• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 3, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Card Design #14: Falmer (giving or receiving Cover)

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Card Design #14: Falmer (giving or receiving Cover)

    Weekly Card Design #14: Falmer (giving or receiving Cover)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 05:31 AM PST

    Theme: Falmer (giving or receiving Cover)

    Welcome to the Weekly Card Design #14. You can submit your card in the comment below following the theme and rules. This thread will run for the entire week where members can Upvote submissions that they like. Members are also allowed to discuss about the submission but stay within the comment.

    The best submission will be selected based on Upvotes and the cut off time for the submission will on Sunday 11pm EST. The winner then will be announced in the Weekly Roundup Post on Monday.

    The winner will get a 2 packs code and gets to pick the theme for the following week's (next next week) discussion.



    • You can only submit one entry where the content has to follow the theme, is created by you and is related to TESL.

    • Submission must be posted in an image format. Optional text describing the Card, its effects and your strategy on playing the card can also be explained.

    • Submission must not infringe any copyright and you are solely responsible for the content.

    • Submission/Comment which is reported off-topic, offensive, sensitive and breaking any of the rules above will be removed.

    Next Week Theme: Ash Creature

    Other ongoing/upcoming Community Engagement Activities for this week with 2 packs giveaway

    See also:

    submitted by /u/teachua79
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    Oh the irony

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 06:37 AM PST

    Showing Off Some Amazing Features Present in the Asian TESL Client - DTB [Video]

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 09:58 AM PST

    Sigil Keeper change of text. Not sure when it happened.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 08:08 AM PST

    Found this spiritual quote on instagram, something looks familiar....

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:13 AM PST

    Steam+Bethesda Launcher Update: 13.05MB

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:40 AM PST

    The only card I've never seen anyone use ever. Even if you use ring of imaginary might/High Hrothgar, you don't get any more value out of this than a swamp leviathan. It needs to have something added to it; maybe it summons a random Dreugh (beastcaller style), or maybe they could decrease its cost.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:19 AM PST

    Grisly Gourmet has added a delicious new ingredient to his sweet rolls

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:14 AM PST

    It's time to increase max level.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:21 PM PST

    So, with every new expansion it's harder and harder to for new players to get into a game and less reason for older players to play after they hit legend. Maybe it's time to increase max level players can get. How about after level 50 players can choose from which expansion they can get cards as rewards. And every 10? levels they can choose a legendary from 3 random cards of that expansion. So, at 60 i can choose again and etc.

    Also, how about new hero portraits? I mean how hard is it to put a few new avatars into the game? Make them as rewards for achievements/arena or just level up rewards. Hell, you can even sell them instead of the overpriced card backs.

    submitted by /u/thenotrust
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    Legends Update?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 08:32 AM PST

    I was just alerted when opening Legends that there was an update ready to go. Steam had already updated it automatically but I'm not sure what this update was for yet, can anyone shed more light? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/screamhbk24
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    Another Small Change found: Heath -> Heatlh -> Health (finally fixed)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 09:39 AM PST

    IGN swapmeet

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:08 AM PST

    Hey, everyone. I haven't seen one of these, not sure if the community is interested in it. But if people want to add randos from Reddit to their friends list, let's put our IGNs out there.

    In-game, I'm GilyaKetsho, player of brews and jank. Look forward to seeing people in CCG-land.

    submitted by /u/Seadas
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    The Math of Grinding and Gold Economy

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:34 AM PST

    PVP gold earning rate:

    • 15 gold for 3 wins is 5 gold per win
    • Assuming a 50% winrate, that's 2.5 gold per match on average.
    • Assuming 8 mins per match (1 min setup/loading, 7 mins match, aggro-midgro deck in interest of time)
    • 7.5 matches per hour x 2.5 = 18.75 gold per hour of PVP

    For a 1000 gold story act, that's ~53 hours of PVP. For all 3 campaigns, that's ~477 hours of PVP.

    The gold limit from PVP is 300 per day (that would be ~16 hours of PVP at 50% winrate and ~8 hours at 100 winrate, which most people wouldn't do)

    Of course, there's:

    • ~250 gold a month in daily logins (if you login nearly everyday).
    • and daily quests
    • and arena with tickets

    It seems like the most time efficient way to earn gold is to play the long game and be patient. Be consistent in logging in everyday and doing the quest. Grinding PVP for gold alone is a waste. Though it does seem worth it to put $100-150 into the game, as the time it takes to earn $100 worth of content is the time it would take to earn thousands of dollars at min wage.

    submitted by /u/Gennds_
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    Favourite/most fun cards/decks and why

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 04:52 AM PST

    Hi all,

    Having been lambested these last few weeks with topics to the effect of "Invasion 2 op, plz nerf", I felt a change of pace would be in order.

    To that end...

    What cards do you view as your personal favourite, or find the most fun to play?

    For me, I love my Dragons. Will my decks hit top 100? Probably not. But they're a lot of fun to play, so long as that damn Deathpriest stays off work with illness that day. Hopefully a terminal illness, at that.

    As for an individual card, well, these things fluctuate as we get bored of what we play, don't they?

    Right now, I would have to say Kaalgrontiid. There's nothing quite like hearing "THE POWER OF THE MOOOON WILL BE MINE" and knowing that, hopefully, now you're in safe hands.

    <Insert Shadowfen into Edict here>

    What about everyone else?

    submitted by /u/Hircine_the_Huntsman
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    I don’t need to be followed!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 09:23 AM PST

    While the community was in uproar about Invade. Making counter decks to protect their homes from the daedra.

    I was at the market swindling you guys to legend. I did some research about decks that people wanting to be nerfed. And I have to say people minds forget about those decks so easily and there still crazy good. No worries Khajiit knows how to spend your coin

    submitted by /u/Ironmanmason
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    satsifying times part II

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:14 AM PST

    Ultimate Heist! Unrelenting Siege Monk | The Elder Scrolls Legends

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:37 PM PST

    Anyone else feel like their best decks are the ones that you quickly hashed out and didn't consider whether or not it was good?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:37 PM PST

    I made a covenant themed deck for fun and it turned out to be really good, even gave a top 10 legend a run for his money ;)


    submitted by /u/Wabbstarful
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    i havent played for 2 months because invade, they have fix something until them? what did i missed?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:30 AM PST

    they fix something? or i have to quit for 2 more months?

    submitted by /u/imuno18
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    Invade is a still a terrible mechanic that is one of the worst in any TCG ever

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:52 PM PST

    Invade is UNFUN to play against and takes close to zero skill to play in its current state

    1. Invade is still horribly powerful against decks without counter to gates. Forcing every deck in the meta to run counters to a niche deck with polarizing matchups is the antithesis of TCG design.

    2. Polarized matchups is NOT the definition of balance. Just because a deck has internal win rates of around 50% (or 40-60%) doesn't mean it is balanced. Decks that auto-win or auto-lose due to matchup should not exist in a healthy TCG metagame. Extreme win rate variance = BAD.

    3. Invade is a horrible experience to play against because fundamentally, it is a deck archetype with core mechanic rooted in RNG.

    4. Invade has been nerfed to be linear. The currently viable invade decks rely on just spamming the field with invade cards while hoping that your opponent cannot counter the gates since double gating has been nerfed to unplayable status.

    5. Not a single player in the game enjoys playing against invade.

    6. The nerfs have not done enough to make invade a "healthy mechanic". This would involve a near complete rework of the core invade mechanic. In its current form, invade is simply horrible horrible experience for any player in a game with invade deck.

    submitted by /u/rtyuuytr
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    Sorry good people of Reddit. I have to play Tribunal and other lame decks because Goblins literally squash every other regular deck one might want to play.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 09:34 AM PST

    What the heck is up with this? Every other game or every third game I am against Goblins. Goblins are back to their old high roll form, but their ball of stats high rolls have been transformed into pure value high rolls.

    Can't remove Murkwater Guide? Then Murkwater Scourge is going to mess you up.

    Can't remove Shearpoint Dragon? Well then, LOL, you just lost the game lol. You should've packed more interaction for 4 health creatures hiding in the shadow lane.

    Going to stabilize? Nah, 3x Cliff Racer, Razum Dar, and Tazkad is going to fuck you up.

    So yeah, I apologize ahead of time, but all of my favorite decks (Aggro Empire, Mid Telvanni, tokens and aggro and in general) are pretty much nonexistent in the face of Goblins. So now I must turn to evil and Mantikoras.

    (ps. is anyone else surprised how hard Goblins were pushed this expansion and in past months? They have gotten SO much support especially with Shearpoint Dragon so its a double whammy)

    submitted by /u/Novel-Current
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    Is this the worst card?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:46 PM PST

    Anyone having deck code copy issues in iOS?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 04:01 AM PST

    Yesterday the deck code copying system suddenly started giving me only partial decks. I'll copy a code, load the app, click New Deck, and get the prompt. But then it'll only bring in 12/50 or 2/50 or whatnot. It's the same for number for each deck type each time.

    submitted by /u/progressiveacolyte
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    Bloody Hand Chef Bug

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:05 PM PST

    So Bloody Hand Chef is supposed to gain stats based on effects that YOU play on enemy creatures, but it definitely gains stats when the Opponent plays a temporary stat change effect on their own creature. For example, I had a game where I played Monk's Strike on my own creature, and at the end of my turn my opponent's Chef gained 3 attack. This is a pretty bad bug that gives a huge buff to Chef that it should not be having, at least according to the text of the card.

    submitted by /u/DanTuDangerous
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    Thank you Gatekeeper

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:29 PM PST

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