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    Saturday, January 25, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends 9-1 Gauntlet with goodol' Mid BM (code below)

    Elder Scrolls: Legends 9-1 Gauntlet with goodol' Mid BM (code below)

    9-1 Gauntlet with goodol' Mid BM (code below)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 06:46 AM PST

    Shame I memed my first two runs with Exalt Tribunal... Results : 3-3 0-3 9-1... Say goodbye to premo shadowfen (I don't care I hate that card!)... Faced almost only goblins and invade, what a surprise! Exalt Trib did terribly against both so I decided to jump on mid BM that I haven't played for a long time and it seemed to handle them pretty easily...

    Code for mid BM if anyone interested to play something else than everyone right now... SPAHjEpDjVsHgRuGaAAInHoofvkAbKdEqheFAJmGdIoerCdVcrjHvDdP

    Good luck folks (non-goblin/non-invade players of course) we can make it still!

    submitted by /u/SiuolReinerg
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    Other card games remind me of what I hate about Elder Scrolls Legends.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:22 PM PST

    So since the announcement I'm sure a bunch of us have been looking around and trying new stuff and something more permanent

    I've tried Mythgard

    I've tried Magic

    I've tried Hearthstone

    I even played Minion Masters

    Finally Runeterra

    Now maybe Hearthstone and Magic lean a lil bit more towards what I can't stand but TESL. Holy shit this game has a complete overload of

    REMOVAL + SILENCE effects

    It's absolutely overwhelming. I went on a 16 hour Runeterra binge. Took vacation time off work just to goof off at home in my underwear eating pizza playing this game. WOW WHAT A BREATH OF FRESH AIR.

    When I play something it doesn't immediately get blasted into 50,000 oblivions after it's silenced 50 times. Minions actually survive in that game and it feels so damn good. Spells are really tactical and can be countered and countered again. Even Mythgard wasn't as harsh as TESL is.

    Idk what happened with this game but I saw a downfall with tri-color implementation and they just kept adding more and more removals, silences and more removals and silences. I just tried getting through not even 2 games in TESL and I couldn't do it.

    Runeterra EVEN PUNISHES PLAYERS FOR PLAYING ALL DAY. Exp gains are almost nonexistent after 10 wins/losses. Guess what? Still here in my underwear. Still got pizza crust stuck in my beard. Still playing Runeterra for absolutely 0 rewards.

    Runeterra doesn't even have a cash shop. It's added once every 4 days because they are refusing to allow the game to go P2W at all. It's actually pretty nuts.

    I mean shit I can't even play a 2 drop without

    execute-rain of arrows-red year-javelin-rapid shot-lightning bolt-dawn's wrath-mantikora-fell the mighty-drive mad-fireball-stone throw-burn and pillage-trial of flame-unstoppable rage-cruel firebloomed-firebolted-burning touch-channeled stormed-fire breathed-reverberating strike-spirit knifed-ice stormed-ancano'd-arrow stormed again- JAVELIN'D AGAIN-devour'd-writ of execution-cast into time- immolating blasted- finished off- leaf lurkered- DEBILITATED-hushed- shadowfen'd priesteded-earthbone spinnered- squished- MUMMIFIED!- sorcerer's negation'd- gambit'd- crusader's assaulted-edict of Azura- dragon aspect

    I'm done. I missed a fuck ton. It is absolutely INSANE the amount of hard removal in this game. I never noticed it til I played other games. Just look at that list? Go into Collections in the game and just sort by Actions and look at all of them. It's absolutely bat shit nuts. Not even counting the million minions that just delete whatever you drop from the game also.

    Rant over. Whiskey commencing. Have a good weekend guys

    submitted by /u/aswedishtiger
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    My official reply to Bethesda and how it treats its customers

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:50 AM PST

    yesterday i posted a picture with maximum amount of soul gems you can have bc when i soul trapped my extra cards i wasnt warned that exceeding soul gems will be lost, about 20000 soul gems in my case.

    i filed a ticket and wrote following:

    Yesterday, January 24th at around 11:30 pm, I opened around 450 card packs. Afterwards I crafted some legendaries and had around 59000 soul gems left on my account. Then I soul trapped cards worth 62000 soul gems but unfortunately I reached the maximum amount of soul gems allowed which is 99999.

    So, I'm missing about 20000 soul gems which would be fine if there was a warning message beforehand. Then it would have been the user's fault. But in this case, there was no warning message whatsoever that I would exceed the maximum amount allowed. Thus I consider it an error and the game's fault for not communicating the player about the consequences to be happen.

    I'd like to ask you to roll back my account or provide me with a fair compensation for the missing 20000 soul gems.

    Here is their reply:


    Thank you for contacting the Bethesda Customer Support Team.

    My name is ... it's a pleasure to assist you today.

    Thanks for reaching out to us,

    Unfortunately the cap for soul gems in The Elder Scrolls: Legends is 99,999. Any amount of Soul Gems earned over the 99,999 total will be lost.

    Use your soul gems to create new cards!

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    I wrote back again:

    The point is, I didnt get a warning message before soul trapping nor does the game states anywhere that the maximum amount is capped at 99999.

    Hence I expect a roll back or some kind of compensation. I posted this issue on reddit and someone had the same issue. He contacted support and was refunded.

    So, why are you not willing to compensate for the game's fault because of lack of communication.

    Do you know how much 20000 soul gems are worth? One card pack is in average around 100 soul gems. Now you can do your own calculations.

    This is the most unfriendly way to treat a customer, especially since I've supported this game since beta and also spent real time money on it, more than most would do.

    I hope you will reconsider. Thank you.

    Their final reply:


    Thank you for contacting the Bethesda Customer Support Team.

    My name is Michael it's a pleasure to assist you today.

    Thanks for the reply back however we here at customer support do not control game mechanics.

    Should you wish to provide feed back for the dev team you can do so below;

    You can submit a ticket to report bugs or provide feedback about The Elder Scrolls: Legends under the "Feedback" category by clicking this link.

    You can also visit and discuss bugs and provide feedback on our official forums here.

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Thank you, too, Bethesda, for letting me know what a shitty company you are. I for sure learned my lesson and will never spend a dime on any of your games anymore and will discourage others to do so since, obviously, you give a sht about your customers. I'm not surprised anymore that this game is dying.

    submitted by /u/Love-Wisdom
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    Not other exp?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:46 AM PST

    Somewhere i saw that bethesda not conntinue expansion etc.its true? Also is the eternal card game good?

    submitted by /u/dhusarra
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    Anyone NOT playing Dragon Shout this WE?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:00 AM PST

    Yeah we get it you are able to go to your collection, type dragon and add every card that has this keyword. Superb work. But I'm bored af to run into you guys all day.

    submitted by /u/plyzd
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    THE GRIND!! : chapter 18

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:47 PM PST

    Jan 23

    Skip day......

    Legends of Runeterra coming out so checking some streams, also have started playing Hearthstone BG, which is really fun and may be the second game I consistently play.... rank degraded to #17 from #15

    Jan 24

    Time to crawl up...

    Starting at #18, it actually only took 6 games to get back to top #10.... I was expecting a longer grind....

    Aggro telvanni went 5-1 (83.3% WR)

    There are a decent number of neutral crabs in high legend, seems like more than goblin scouts..... ended the day at #10

    Jan 25

    Travelling out of town, not able to play, may only get a little time tomorrow as well, so finishing even gauntlet maybe tough...

    Rank increased to #9 from #10!!!! I guess someone else had a bad day...

    Month total so far: 416 games 295-121 (70.9%) current rank: #9

    Deck codes and winrates:

    Aggro telvanni: 85-23 (78.7%)


    submitted by /u/gumchoo
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    Max amount of soul gems reached by soul trapping...

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:36 PM PST

    just a few questions about the gauntlet

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:07 AM PST

    1. how much wins do you need to finish in the top 1000?
    2. do you get 3 times the shadowfen prist or just once?

    i am thankful for all help (and i apologize if i made any english mistakes)

    submitted by /u/Skipper1492
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    Weekend Card Discussion Thread - Feed | January 24, 2020

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:14 PM PST

    Weekend Card Discussion Thread - Feed | January 24, 2020

    Hello everyone and welcome to the latest card discussion thread! This time we are discussing Feed.

    Please feel free to talk about anything you find interesting about the card: design, effect on the meta, the art, sounds, animations, lore or anything else.


    Set: Tamriel Collection

    Constructed Rating*: 3.3/5

    Arena Rating*: 3.0/5

    *Constructed and Arena Ratings are a based on community votes on Legends-Decks. Remember to rate cards if you feel these ratings are not accurate.

    Example Decklist: A New Era Control by Miraak, First Dragonborn

    Trivia: Feeding is when you eat stuff.

    For more stats and decklists, try Legends-Decks or visit Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages for more information!

    <-- Previous Discussion: Weekday Card Discussion Thread - Pact Outcast | January 21, 2020

    submitted by /u/MillenialSage
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    Last chance at the $135 prize pool in the tournament tomorrow!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:36 PM PST

    The 4th qualifier of our tournament series starts tomorrow at 11 AM Pacific. There will be 8 people who will qualify for the Finale and this is the last opportunity to be one of those people.

    Sign up here: https://battlefy.com/arkon/arkon-arena-qualifier-4-1252020/5df59aec554ba06b48963b20/info?infoTab=details

    Let me know if you have any questions!

    submitted by /u/ElemayoROFL
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