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    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends TESL Asia: Dark Brotherhood Open Community Tournament

    Elder Scrolls: Legends TESL Asia: Dark Brotherhood Open Community Tournament

    TESL Asia: Dark Brotherhood Open Community Tournament

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:26 AM PST

    Announcing the Dark Brotherhood Open tournament:

    I hope you all have enjoyed the first few weeks of The Elder Scrolls Legends Asia. As our community has grown, and competition on the ladder has grown fierce, it is time to start topping up the stakes. This first community tournament will serve as an introduction to future competitive events for the game, with a Dark Brotherhood twist to give a nod to the first story expansion for the game!

    Tournament rules:

    Players will bring decks from 3 different classes, and each deck must contain at least 5 cards from the Fall of the Dark Brotherhood expansion! Deck screenshots must be uploaded to an image sharing site like Imgur. Multiple screenshots for a single deck are valid if needed. Seedings will be randomized for the first few events. Each series will be decided by the best 2 games out of 3. You are not required to change decks after winning or losing with a deck.

    Registration period:

    Registration will commence today on January 2nd, and last until Friday January 3rd 10 PM EST.

    How to Register and Tournament kickoff:

    To register, either email DragonTamerBlayde@gmail.com, PM DTBlayde#9561 on Discord (Discord https://discord.gg/z7MQSMC), or post in the #player-competition-events channel in the official Elder Scrolls Legends Asia discord server. A valid registration must include your in-game name, and links to screenshots of your three decks of different classes. The bracket will be revealed on Saturday January 4th at 9:30 AM EST, with round 1 beginning at 10 AM EST on January 4th.

    You must add DTBlayde as in game friend in order to allow for spectating tournament coverage. All players who sign up and participate will be rewarded with a prize, but the biggest prize will go to the final winner. If you have any questions, please reach out to DTBlayde!

    Note: If you would like to volunteer to assist with future tournaments, reach out to DTBlayde. The reward is determined by the number of participants in the tournament, and the finalized prize list will be announced on the tournament day.

    submitted by /u/DTBlayde
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    Until the day the servers go down

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:05 PM PST

    Breaking Unicorn

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:33 AM PST

    Please share your efforts to build around Unicorn.

    I thought Unicorn might give fresh blood to Empire Abom with helpers like Emperor's Attendant

    submitted by /u/DrewHoov
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    Potentially new players question.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 11:03 AM PST

    Hey guys, I want to download and try this game but I need to know something first: - Hows online, I mean are there many people online ? Is it hard to find a match ? - Is it pay to win ?


    submitted by /u/Just_1mag1ne
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    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 11:33 AM PST

    If my ES knowledge is right mannimarco should be a lich right,doesn't that mean he should have a + on his race with undead added or am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/synbaduntold
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    I now realized...

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:15 PM PST

    ...that because the game is in maintenance mode will never see the feature for having a different cards back for a deck of your choice T____T

    Happy sad new year

    submitted by /u/SirGreengrave
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    Fun deck I put together over the holidays.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:10 AM PST


    The Gardner synergy is pretty fun, I had him rolling with a wrothgar forge and a corsair ship while my opponent was trying to night mother, made for some fun shenanigans.

    submitted by /u/SitharioftheSenate
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    I finally finished a ranked ladder season in the top 10!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 12:12 PM PST

    Hi TESL community, I haven't made a post in this sub reddit yet, I thought about maybe doing one after the maintenance mode news came out earlier last month, but I've been looking forward to making one about my journey to the top ten and the beautiful card back you get for the accomplishment.

    I had never played a ccg before, and started playing this game about a year ago or so, after my brother introduced me to this game and even though I sucked horribly for quite some time I fell in love with the game because I had played a lot of Skyrim and a little oblivion and even read some elder scrolls books and I just loved the lore and thought the art work and cards of TESL was just beautiful and wondrous. I was further sucked in by the balanced competitive nature of the gameplay and the competitor in me wanted to get better and be good at the game even though I was so bad at first, as well as the depth- there's no end to how much you can improve as a deck builder and player of this game!

    When they released the exclusive card backs for top 10 and 100 ladder finish I thought that was so cool and was like maybe some day I can be good enough to finish top 100, but obviously never top 10, that's only for the best players in the world. By this time, thanks to watching YouTube videos from content creators for this game and steamers, and also spectating friends I had made in the game and practicing for countless hours and playing ladder, I had improved and become decent enough to actually try for top 100 and a couple months later I actually finished top 100 and got that card back. I was very proud but part of me still thought the top 10 card back was the coolest looking one and wished I was good enough to join that exclusive club.

    What ultimately changed my perspective was back in September I, for the first time, made a deck of my own that was legitimately good, instead of netdecking, and had an absolutely insane first day of the season. I had made a burn battlemage aggro deck off of a realization that there were a ton of cards at that point in time that did damage via summon or some other activation, and somehow I had the best night of my life win percentage wise, and I started my run right after the monthly reset, and played all night since I just kept winning and hit legend that morning, dropping in at #4! So that made me realize that wow maybe I could actually be good enough to hit top 10 and get that card back!

    Long story short I didn't accomplish it that month or even subsequent months that I made it into the top ten but choked at the end of the season, but the fire to accomplish my ultimate goal had been ignited and i had never been so determined. I made a ton of more friends along the way and tried to just keep improving despite the disappointment of putting in so much time and effort only to fall short. And finally this last month, December 2019, I made it! I was top ten almost all month, and like I had before, I fell out several times but was able to get back, playing my favorite deck all month, scout goblins. In the last day, yesterday, I fell to 13 with only a few hours left, but somehow fought my way back, winning 10 of my last 11 games to get back to #10 where I ultimately finished, just barely sneaking in. I was overjoyed to finally make it and earn that beautiful card back, and join the worthy company of those who already had.

    Also for the first time that same month I finished in the top ten for an in game event, winning the grand melee!

    I hope that my journey can serve as inspiration for anyone still playing this game that no matter what level of skill you currently are or start out at, you can improve! You can get better! You can achieve any goals you want to with enough practice, time and effort and it is worth it. The wonderful thing about this community is that it's chock full of people willing to accept your friend request, let you spectate their games, practice against you, and help you learn the nuances of deck building and piloting new decks, myself included! That is probably my favorite thing about this game and it's community, and why it hurt me personally so much when the news broke about maintenance mode. But I'm so glad to have finished the month where that happened this way, and to send off any one leaving the game well; to any of my friends or people I've competed against leaving, I say farewell. To those sticking around I share your slim hope for the future of this game and look forward to, if nothing else, the future events and monthly reward cards etc.

    I apologize for the length of this post, wanted to get all this out of my brain and off my chest. Finally would just like to thank the following people for the role they've had, maybe without even knowing they played a part, in my journey.

    To Bethesda, Sparkypants, Cvh and co., for making my favorite game of all time.

    To all of my friends in the game, you all know who you are! Notably: Nijjaro, gumchoo, fyrwulf, chungshan, deinernst, tolunay ongut, Viccie leaks, letter w, glassjaws, jagdosprey, lecityleclec, rosspierdol, sheisfut, kivjah, and xyrex, as well as my dudes in team azura who recently recruited me.

    To the streamers and content creators who's videos and streams I watched to learn and improve: Justin Larson, charmer, cvh, eolis, silverfuse, jele, eyenie, endozoa, W, ianbits, earlmeister, plzdonhakme, bujjinovation, turqoise link and so many more.

    Anyone wants to add me i recently changed my IGN to AZZ-SHADOW.

    Love you all, and look forward to continuing to meet more of you in the game and otherwise. Cheers, and have a great new year :)

    submitted by /u/SHADOWSandSILENCE
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    TESL Asia: I used to be an adventurer like you, then i took an arrow in the knee...

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:18 AM PST


    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:00 PM PST

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