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    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Roundup Post - 01/06/2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Roundup Post - 01/06/2019

    Weekly Roundup Post - 01/06/2019

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:25 PM PST

    submitted by /u/teachua79
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    Any plans for the Asian client to come to iOS?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:21 AM PST

    How do they break ties? I am ranked 51 and I have the same record as 48-50. Am I going to miss out on the prize because of RNG?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:59 PM PST

    Too much gold, nothing to do with it

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:54 AM PST

    In regards to the asian client, what is there to spend my gold on? Should i be spending it on packs or saving it up incase they decide to start selling other things for gold? I cant find anything in the store other than packs and i always log in daily so i dont need to spend it on claiming missed rewards and was wondering what you guys are doing with the gold.

    submitted by /u/NotMJL
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    THE GRIND!! : chapter 3

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:43 PM PST

    Jan 5

    Today has to be a singleton day....! I know it seemed to be failing me miserably but that has to be just bad luck and a meta anomoly... right? as it has been so consistent for the last 2 months...

    Well even if I continue to lose with it, it's the first week...! You can afford to play what you truly love and "meme" a little and not care about ranks....

    The crabs will save me if I drown....!? :)

    My resolve was tested after a horrendous 1-3 start (invade, burn assassin, aggro daggerfall with rings) but I kept playing and the law of averages kicked in and I got on a decent win streak.... finally!!!

    Singleton telvanni went 11-4 (WR 73.3%)

    The meta is still very fast.... more than 2/3 of the games were vs. aggro..

    I started the day at #11 which was a fall of 5 ranks after skipping ladder for a day and half..... and ended at #6 (back to where I finished last time I played).... so to "maintain" my rank, I had to play 15 games @ 73.3%.

    Month total so far: 120 games 89-31 (74.2%) current rank: #6

    Deck codes and winrates:

    Singleton telvanni: 22-14 (61.1%)


    submitted by /u/gumchoo
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    Fighters Guild Hall will always be my #1.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:11 PM PST

    jele island cup #5

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:38 PM PST

    Thanks to all the players we had an awesome tournament today and a huge variety of decklists.

    Different Scout strategies, some with Midnight burial, some more ramp focused and some goblins. There was lots of the slower control-mid hybrid decks and faster mid decks too.

    You can find the decklists here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sWDjnQ0EtDkAKpxDVgYaU9BEK_yhxFzRv_t3Qr8AGSM/edit?usp=sharing

    you can find the vods here https://www.twitch.tv/videos/531630388

    thanks a lot to www.twitch.tv/sisqi76 and for her support of casting with me and being an awesome Admin

    next cup will be on the first sunday in february, hope to see you there

    follow jele island on battlefy to not miss out on our tournaments https://battlefy.com/jele-island

    submitted by /u/jele77
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    Para los que dicen que legend esta muerto .... Analis por favor

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:32 AM PST


    La verdad me canse de ller que el jugo esta muerto , por lo que le quiero dar mi punto de vista. Lo que se dijo es muy simple . vamos a dar mantenimiento constante , y la hoja de ruta esta suspendida , pero a la ves no sdieron Tamriel premiun , no dieron a fin de año las promos de la isal de la locura , nos dan eventos todas las semanas , si abris un reclamo en bethesda te lo responden , ahora , quiero dejar claro esto , con la ultima fallida expansion , que podian ganar sacando otra ? undir el juego una ves mas , nooo señores , si nos dan 4 expansiones por año que hace un jugador que recien empieza , ? no es atractivo , por otro lado el cliente asiatico va por bicolor, y la hermand obscura, tienen que ni}velar los clientes , para que los mismos , puedean equilibrarse , o sea que el juego esta mas vivo que nunca , a los frustados jugadores que lloran fomentando que esto esta muerto , por favor dejen de hacer tanto problema , en el ajedres siempre son las mismas piezas y el juego es historico , lo que hizo este juego es poner paños frios, paraz poder desarrollar algo mejor en el momento que el cliente asiatico avance , pero el juego de ninguna manera esta muerto , basta de idioteces, por otro lado hay carta recompensa del mes hasta 2021 y siguen hablando por favor basta ya perdon por mi ingles de traductor , fui y soy leyenda en cada temporada , y lo seguire haciendo por que lo que aca no paso es que este juego muera .


    The truth is that I get tired of getting the juice dead, so I want to give it my point of view. What was said is very simple. we will give constant maintenance, and the roadmap is suspended, but Tamriel did not see the premiere, they did not give the promos of the madness of the year end, they give us events every week, if you open a claim in Bethesda will answer it, now, I want to make this clear, with the last failed expansion, what could they gain by taking out another? undir the game one more time, nooo gentlemen, if they give us 4 expansions per year that makes a player that just starts,? It is not attractive, on the other hand the Asian client is bi-color, and the dark sister, they must not even watch over the clients, so that they can balance themselves, that is, the game is more alive than ever, to the frustrated players who cry encouraging that this is dead, please stop doing so much trouble, in chess are always the same pieces and the game is historic, what this game did is put cold cloths, so you can develop something better at the moment that the Asian client advance, but the game is by no means dead, enough of idiocy, on the other hand there is a reward letter of the month until 2021 and keep talking please just forgive me for my English translator, I went and I am a legend in each season, and I will continue doing it because what did not happen here is that this game dies.

    submitted by /u/mementolc
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    Just gonna remind you what you're supporting when youre playing Asian TESL

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:20 AM PST

    Anyone else only getting pack quests?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:43 PM PST

    I got 3 pack quests. Yesterday I rolled one and got another pack quest. Same thing happened today. I need gold! 🤬

    submitted by /u/TheCynicalKazakh
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    Surprise you lose!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:49 PM PST

    So my opponent had like 2 cards and I had a game winning Unite combo in hand I could have played but decided to wait a turn and Dawns Wraith his annoying shit. That leaves his board empty! There's No Way im losing. I had 20 health a PBE and Camel in the field lane... He plays PBE which is now 16/16 and rage for EXACT LETHAL!!

    It blows my mind how much shit I see. Let's hear your biggest surprise lose

    submitted by /u/HWYRenegade
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