• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 27, 2021

    Elder Scrolls: Legends I can't believe I actually got this card today. I was just trying to build a new deck, and this was the main one I was missing lol. Very happy.

    Elder Scrolls: Legends I can't believe I actually got this card today. I was just trying to build a new deck, and this was the main one I was missing lol. Very happy.

    I can't believe I actually got this card today. I was just trying to build a new deck, and this was the main one I was missing lol. Very happy.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    Summer Tournament - 2 weeks left (and 3 other days but I'm too hyped to wait)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 05:57 AM PDT

    Summer Tournament - 2 weeks left (and 3 other days but I'm too hyped to wait)


    Nostalgia. One of the main reasons people come back for a month, maybe two. We always read the posts: "I haven't played since development stopped - what have changed?" And then we complain about the usual cards and mechanics, and tell that other than that, nothing have changed.

    But is that true? If we look deep inside, can't we find things that have changed over the last one and a half year? No new players. No new gauntlets. No new decks we fell in love with. There were no videos, no streams, no events we liked. No tournaments organized.

    When I first announced ST, I lied. I said there will be no animations. Well, as the video above shows, there will be.

    However, I am still no Bethesda. I can't advertise this tournament in game, I can't offer money, I can't reach everyone. What i can do is that i can give you a tournament that will be as good as many players join. And because of this, I ask for your help. Are you a streamer? Please, ask your viewers if they know there will be a tournament. Are you a regular player? Do you have active players in your friendlist? Ask they if they would come with you to this tournament. Are you someone who isn't actively playing anymore? Come back for this! 3 weekends of nostalgia in August. Is that a horrific deal for your time?

    I teamed up with CoreData and AnymRai to have them cast the tournament. I asked CVH to give us rewards: 2-pack code to ALL participants and 10-pack codes for those qualifying in one of the two qualifiers (or winning their ticket by having the most qualification-points).

    We love to remember the "old players". The ones who earned their name either by streaming, being an active community member, qualifying to Masters or just playing in one of the qualifiers. I am a new player. I wasn't here, I don't know them. But please, if you do and you want to see them playing, ask them if they are willing to come back for the last 3 weekends of August. If they are willing to participate in a tournament, to revisit their most-loved decks.

    I hope to see you in August 14th.

    -NDW (who can't end posts as normal people would because he's listening to heartbreaking music... oh the nostalgia I feel even though I wasn't here "back then".)


    Discord server (the tournament will be held through discord!): https://discord.gg/Pk99yWUWM6




    First Qualifier: 14th - 15th* August 3:00 PM GMT**

    Second Qualifier: 21th - 22th August 3:00 PM GMT

    Summer Tournament: 28th - 29th August 3:00 PM GMT

    *first day: matches // second day: stream (unless there were enough players that we were able to split the tournament and play the top 8 the second day)

    **= 4:00 PM British Summer Time = 17:00 Central European Standard Time = 8:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time


    Organizer: NightDarkWolf

    Casters: AnymRai & CoreData


    Prizes: There were no prizes involved, for i wanted the quality of games to be the prize itself. However, i reached out to CVH (and Bethesda), so now we have 2-pack codes FOR EACH PARTICIPANT. Those moving forward will get a 10-pack code instead.



    at https://www.twitch.tv/dernightdarkwolf the second day.





    You must bring 4 decks of different classes, but only one of them is allowed to have more than 50% (50->25; 75->38) neutral cards in it, and only one of them is allowed to have more than 3 types of "Invade" cards in it.


    You must send me the screenshot of your decks (English language preference) and the deckcodes through direct message 24 HOURS BEFORE TOURNAMENT STARTS. They will be uploaded in current tournament's # decklists before the tournament begins.


    Your opponent will ban one of your decks before first match – you must not play with it against your current opponent. You can declare your decision in # <your name>'s ban channel like this: NightDarkWolf bans <Opponent>'s Warrior. When both players have banned, I will post them in current tournament's # bans.


    The tournament is held in Conquest format: after you win with a deck, you must not play with it against your current opponent.


    In both qualifiers, the first, second and third place-finishers will qualify, but everyone playing will earn points. 2 more will qualify through having the most points. In case of a tie, the organizer (me) will give further instructions.


    The contestants must not speak outside of this server about the results of the TOP 8 matches they have played until the tournament was streamed – each player has to add me (NightDarkWolf), AnymRai and CoreData to their friendlist before the tournament starts, and we will be allowed to spectate (and stream) their matches.


    In case of a misqueue (queueing banned deck, a deck that has won before or a deck that was not assigned to said player) your opponent will decide if they want to hold it against you. In that case, they have won with their queued deck.


    Half an hour before the tournament starts, a message will be posted in current tournament's # check-in. You must react with a checkmark to let me know you're here.


    A screenshot must be held for a week of the results of the matches. The winner submits a short message after last match in current tournament's # match-results like this: NightDarkWolf - <Opponent> / 3 - 2

    1. RULE OF TOP 8

    Two of the quarterfinals, the semifinals and the finals itself will be recorded, therefore you must ask for my permission before going into a top 8 match. After you get it, you must wait in mulligan phase until I and the casters join as spectator. (There is a timer in mulligan phase - if we can't join until it goes down, wait in first turn!)


    The Turn Timer must be set on.


    If there is a problem, you can report it in current tournament's # reports.

    submitted by /u/NightDarkWolf
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    From starting a new profile at the start of the month and pushing my way upwards from Rank 12 to hitting Legend today. Dagger-Salvaging BM deck did the trick. This is surreal.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    I don't always steal Ancano from my opponent...

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:07 PM PDT

    ...but when I do, I make sure to steal yours from your discard pile when you're at 6 health with {{Mannimarco}}.

    Props to player Dezron96 for putting up with my ridiculous draw luck. I was able to fill a lane with a {{Headless Zombie}} that I linked to a Lightning Bolt, played a {{Sly Marshblade}} to sac the Zombie, played a {{Telvanni Catspaw}} to sac the Marshblade, and still killed something of yours with that Lightning Bolt -- all in 1 turn. I killed your Ancano with mine, took you down to 1 with the abovementioned steal, and then finished you off by taking one of your own discarded Lightning Bolts with {{The Gray Fox}} on the next turn.

    Seriously, I have never done any series of events like that before. And I have never witnessed something quite like that. I've seen lots of ridiculous draw in a turn, and cycling things from the discard pile, but that odd combo of craziness I hit you with...if I'd been in your seat, my head would have been spinning. Not bragging. That was a wild ride for both of us. At least, I hope you were laughing. I don't think we'll see something quite like that again soon.

    Games like that are why I keep feeling passionate about this game. Despite the stagnation of new content and subsequent repetitious meta, sometimes a series of plays is just like "Wow, what just happened? That was Amazing!" I don't care if I'm doing it or my opponent. And it doesn't always have to lead to a Win. But when it does, Hell Yeah! =)

    Just wanted to share.

    submitted by /u/PaulEBenjamin
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    Devour + Alduin + Unstoppable Rage vs. Invade Guildsworn.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 09:56 PM PDT

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