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    Saturday, December 11, 2021

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Bug or intended?

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Bug or intended?

    Bug or intended?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 05:15 AM PST

    I just observed the following interaction:

    1. {{{Fiery Imp}}} starts to attack creature, hurls fireball
    2. Fireball breaks rune, triggers {{{Dune Stalker}}} as a prophecy
    3. Dune Stalker moves the creature under attack to the other lane
    4. Fiery Imp still hits it, making a leap across lanes and back

    I wonder if this is meant to work like this?

    Edit: I remember though that when the fireball-sparked prophecy kills Imp, the attack is stopped.

    submitted by /u/AzeliosRed
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    Am I the only one who is considering quitting TESL for good because of Yagrum's Workshop?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 10:13 AM PST

    This card makes basically any deck that doesn't win under say turn 7 unplayable. It's the worst designed card I have ever seen in any card game. I always thought TESL designers wer quite good. Was this intended? Some kind of devs punishment for being fired? Last 7 form 8 matches on ladder, I played against this. And please, don't suggest me to play aggro crusader, go under them and win in turn 3. This is not how I like to play. And if it is the only possible way to win, than this game is done. You can't just win by playing deck full of shitty cards and then find factoitum lord and insta win game because of badly designed Workhop. I will rather go playing something better. I come back to TESL in like 6 months interval, play a few days/weeks and than quit because of this. It's just a dumb go-to-face-by-any-means festival.

    submitted by /u/Harvester51
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    The AI really is a cheating SOB

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 07:50 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    So I play a LOT of practice mode before taking my decks online. It's a good way to see if they can withstand hyper aggro and just a good way to get a feel for how a given deck will function in an actual game.

    This isn't a "waaa I can't win" post. Nothing of the sort. I've aced solo arena blah blah blah but merely an observation that the AI really IS a cheating bastard.

    I had one the other day against Expert Sinew and Soul (actually, probably the deck I tend to find most difficult of the AI opponents). I banished his Ruin Shamblers with Twilight when he had nothing in hand. Couple turns later he plays a Ruin Shambler.

    The last match was Adept against Illen, Giftbearer (actually I find the Adept decks more interesting than most of the Expert ones). And not once, but twice, he played Territorial Vipers from hand, both of which came out as 2/2s. There was nothing in play or which had been played previously which would have given these buffs so... what the Hell?!

    Just an observation post, really. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

    submitted by /u/Hircine_the_Huntsman
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    The Final Act of the Desperate to Assert Some Level of Control Over the Game

    Posted: 10 Dec 2021 01:31 PM PST

    Is there a website that has every cards voice lines?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2021 12:20 PM PST

    Pick by Pick walkthrough in Versus Arena with thought process

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 06:02 PM PST

    Pick by Pick walkthrough in Versus Arena with thought process















    So that's it. I think this deck was a 7/10. It had some strong epics and some hard removal but really lacked a threatening creature that was a must kill. I hope you found this helpful and leave comments or questions. I will try to get another one of these on here sometime soon.


    submitted by /u/Belmona
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    Always wanted to try a conjurer forward heal support deck!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 04:04 PM PST

    Every time i face them, i loose, and always wanted to try it, but never amassed enough souls to build it…now…with the free cards the game gave us today, i have now 18k souls i think i can craft all the necessary cards but im a terrible deck builder and most deck list sites i found are down.

    Could someone give me a good support deck list…oh and also the wax\wane deck with these supports

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Vicferrer76
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    lets all just agree not to use prophecies anymore.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:48 PM PST

    the prophecy mechanic only exists to make bad players win games from time to time.

    somebody please tell me i am not the only person who simply refuses to use this cheap bullshit.

    submitted by /u/Glumandalf
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